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Subject: [WI] Second Call for ECSCW 2019 Poster and Demo Submissions
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 16:19:48 +0000
From: Meneweger Thomas <Thomas.Meneweger@sbg.ac.at>
Reply-To: Meneweger Thomas <Thomas.Meneweger@sbg.ac.at>
To: wi@lists.kit.edu <wi@lists.kit.edu>

Apologies for cross-posting

==== Second Call for ECSCW 2019 Poster and Demo Submissions ====
ECSCW 2019: The 17th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
The International venue on Practice-centred computing and the Design of cooperation technologies

Salzburg, Austria, 8-12 June, 2019

Website: https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2019 


Posters and Demos

The presentation of posters and demos is a key element of the ECSCW conference. For presenters as well as recipients, the poster & demo session provides a lively environment for getting in touch with late-breaking research, preliminary results, innovative ideas, and early-stage student research. At a special session during the conference authors are given the opportunity to showcase their research to interested delegates, as well as involving them in discussions about their work, exchanging ideas, providing feedback, and sharing work-in-progress relating to CSCW.

Posters provide a great opportunity for presenting research results visually supported and offering key ideas to conference visitors.

Demos may be submitted in various kinds: These may be research prototypes or commercial products, but we also strongly invite low-fi prototypes, such as paper mock-ups etc. In addition, the demo session will also provide space for exhibiting innovative material that has been developed in the context of the deployment of (user-centred) research methods, such as, e.g. innovations in story boards, personas, and other material which helped fostering creativity in a design process.

The submissions for Demos and Posters should be related to the main topics of interest of ECSCW 2019 (https://ecscw.eusset.eu/2019/submit/papers).

NEW –  Poster & Demo Award

***** ECSCW 2019 will confer awards for the best poster and for the best demo. Award winners will each receive 150€ prize money provided by industrial sponsors *****

Submission information

Both submission categories (posters and demos) require the submission of a short paper (four page maximum including references, figures, and a 150 word max. abstract). The paper should explicitly state the contribution and originality of the work, making it clear how it differs from significant prior work. A full literature review is not required.

Additionally, the poster submission requires a poster draft to be submitted with the short paper.

For the demo submission, the University of Salzburg is happy to provide vast support for setting up the demo. Please specify the exhibition requirements in a separate document (e.g. exceptional power (V), dimensions and footprint of exhibit (cm), lighting conditions, etc.). University of Salzburg will provide the usual equipment (power strip (220V), WiFi, table, screen, poster board), and is happy to organize further equipment if needed (e.g. projector). Please feel free to contact posters-demos@ecscw.eusset.eu when you plan a demo submission.

Submissions should include author names and follow the exploratory papers template (available as LatexMS Word or RTF). Please send your submission via email at posters-demos@ecscw.eusset.eu

All accepted submissions will be published as short papers in the European Society for Embedded Technologies (EUSSET) digital library http://www.eusset.eu/digital-library.

Important dates

22.02.2019: Submission deadline
05.04.2019: Notification to authors
26.04.2019: Camera ready deadline

If you have questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact the Posters and Demo co-chairs with this email address: posters-demos@ecscw.eusset.eu 

Posters and Demos Co-Chairs
Thomas Meneweger (University of Salzburg, Austria)
Claudia Müller (Universität Siegen, Germany)

ECSCW 2019 Posters & Demos Program Committee
Martin Dickel, University of Siegen
Jiannis Giatagantzidis, University of Siegen
Alina Krischkowsky, University of Salzburg
Max Krüger, University of Siegen
Minha Lee, Eindhoven University of Technology
Bernhard Maurer, University of Salzburg
Johanna Meurer, University of Siegen
Midas Nouwens, Aarhus University
Katta Spiel, TU Vienna
David Struzek, University of Siegen
Daniela Wurhofer, Austrian Institute of Technology

Mag. Thomas Meneweger
Research Fellow

Center for Human-Computer Interaction
University of Salzburg

Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8 / Techno 5
5020 Salzburg, Austria


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