Call for Papers


The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-5)

Montreal, Canada

October 23-27, 2002



Scope and Goals of the Conference

Over the past few years, electronic commerce has emerged as a dramatic new mode of conducting business. Today, almost every company is either using or considering the use of e-business. Advances in telecommunications, automated processes, decision technologies, economics, and management are already forcing dramatic changes in a variety of industries, ranging from banking and finance to music and entertainment. Yet, the electronic business space is still in a relatively early state of evolution, and many of the significant advances in understanding and implementing e-commerce are occurring concurrently in academia and industry. Thus, dialogue on this field between academia and industry is important. As electronic business spans a wide range of reference disciplines, forums focusing on e-commerce research are vital to stimulate the necessary interactions and knowledge sharing across this broad community.


The Fifth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research ICECR-5 is intended to address these needs. The series of ICECR conferences established a history of success in bringing together academic and industrial researchers from various fields on an ongoing, annual basis to discuss developments and challenges of electronic business understood in the largest possible sense of the term. The aim of ICECR-5 is to continue this tradition and provide a high quality forum for the presentation of results, exchange of ideas, and scientific discussions on challenges, methodologies, new technologies and their impact, computational and deployment issues, policies and advanced applications in the area of e-business. Our goal is to open the conference to participants from all fields, in particular, telecommunications, computer science, management sciences, operations research, economy, legal and policy studies. The conference will combine technical presentations grouped in research sessions, with industry and research plenary speakers, as well as industry-lead panels.


Following the 2001 successful meeting held at the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, the International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research moves for its fifth edition to HEC – Montreal in the city of Montreal, Canada. Montreal is an ideal location for a conference that has the ambition to bring together researchers from all over the world and, in particular, from Europe and North America. Montreal blends the best of the two continents to offer a unique atmosphere and joie de vivre that the social program will deliver in full.


Papers submitted for presentation at the conference will be selected on the basis of an extended abstract of 5 to 10 pages. The abstracts have to be submitted by May 15, 2002 to Professor Bezalel Gavish or to Professor Teodor Gabriel Crainic or directly to the conference address  (electronic submissions are encouraged). All selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Refereed full papers will be considered for publication in the Electronic Commerce Research Journal. Further information and instructions will be announced at a later date and will be posted on the conference web site.


Conference General Co-Chairs:
Professor Teodor Gabriel Crainic, CRT,
University of Montreal, Canada, Tel: 514 343-7143.

Professor Bezalel Gavish, Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75205, USA, Tel: 214 768-8258.


Conference co-chairs addresses


Professor Teodor Gabriel Crainic

Departement management et technologie, U.Q.A.M., and

Director, Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory Centre for Research on Transportation

Universite de Montreal

C.P. 6128, Succursale Centre-ville

Montreal (QC) Canada H3C 3J7

Phone: (1) 514 343 7143     FAX:   (1) 514 343 7121



Professor Bezalel Gavish

Eugene J. and Ruth F. Constantin Distinguished Chair in Business

Edwin L. Cox School of Business

Southern Methodist University

P.O. Box 750333

Dallas, TX 75275-0333



Conference email:

Most activities will be held at HEC – Montreal



Here follows a non exclusive list of themes for the conference:


 Global E-commerce

 Government electronic services

 Economic models

 Game theory

 Experimental economy

 Electronic market design

 Optimized markets

 Combinatorial market design


 Multi-lateral markets

 Agents and e-business

 Web technologies


 Trust models

 Security models and technologies

 Logistics and e-business

 Value Chain Management

 Distribution and e-business

 Agent technologies

 Advisor models and technologies

 Advanced applications


      International exchanges



      Commodity markets


Benoit A. Aubert

Professeur agrégé, Technologies de l'information.
HEC Montreal   3000 chemin Côte Ste-Catherine, Montréal, (Canada) H3T 2A7

Fellow, CIRANO
2020 University, 25e étage, Montréal (Canada) H3A 2A5

(t) 514.340.7303     (f) 514.340.6132