** Second Call
for Papers - please circulate this CFP to
your colleagues and networks **
International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to the 12th
International Conference on Knowledge Capture 2023 held in
Pensacola, Florida, USA, from 5-7 December 2023.
The International Conference on Knowledge Capture,
aims at bringing together an interdisciplinary group of
researchers on a diverse set of topics with an interest in the
development of knowledge capture. This involves the design and
development of formalisms, methods, and tools that enable
efficient and precise extraction and organization of knowledge
from different sources and for different modalities of use
including, for example, automated reasoning, machine learning,
and human-machine teaming.
of interest:
Areas of interest for submissions to
CAP 23 include, but are not limited
to, the following topics:
- Knowledge representation
- Knowledge acquisition
- Ethical aspects related to
knowledge capture and acquisition
- Knowledge capture for supporting
explainability and, vice-versa, leveraging explainability
approaches for knowledge capture
- Intelligent user interfaces for
knowledge acquisition and retrieval
- Innovative query processing and
question answering over heterogeneous knowledge bases
- Novel evaluation paradigms for
knowledge capture
- Problem-solving and reasoning
- The role of knowledge and
knowledge capture in neuro-symbolic AI
- Compact knowledge representation
such as constraint networks and graphical models
- Knowledge capture in multi-agent
- The intersection of planning and
knowledge capture
- Information extraction from text
- The role of metadata in knowledge
capture processes
- Multi-modal knowledge capture
from text, tables, images, video or sound
- Machine learning and
representation learning
- Information enrichment and
- The role of language models in
knowledge graph construction and representation
- Techniques for extracting
structured knowledge from large-scale language models
- Applications of deep learning to
knowledge representation and reasoning, such as graph neural
networks and graph convolutional networks
- Advancements in representation
learning and deep learning for knowledge capture
- Utilizing deep learning for
information extraction from structured and unstructured data
to improve knowledge capture
Important Dates:
- Abstract submission: August 13,
- Paper submission: August 20,
- Author notification: September
18, 2023
- Camera-ready version due:
September 29, 2023
- Conference dates: December 5-7,
All deadlines are midnight AoE (Anywhere on Earth).
Twelfth International Conference on Knowledge Capture, K-CAP 2023,
features a full papers track for research papers, as well as
tracks for short papers, for visionary ideas.
Full papers, which describe original research, can be up to
8 pages long including references. Full papers will appear
in the conference proceedings and will be citable as K-CAP 2023
Short papers, which may describe (possibly preliminary or
open-ended) research, applications (academic, industrial, or
otherwise), and late-breaking results, can be up to 4 pages
long, including references. Short papers will also appear in
the conference proceedings and will be citable as K-CAP 2023
Visionary papers, which describe outrageous ideas or
potentially preliminary, but highly innovative research, can
be up to 2 pages long, including references. Visionary
papers will be presented as short talks in the conference
All submissions to K-CAP should be made through
EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kcap2023
We are looking forward to your submissions!
Best Regards,
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Blerina Spahiu
Ing. Blerina Spahiu, PhD
Postdoc Researcher
Department of Computer Science, Systems and
University of Milano-Bicocca