-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] CFP: IEEE Cloudnet 2014. Special Session on Cloud Computing and Sustainability (Deadline Extended July 3,2014) Datum: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 14:36:20 +0200 Von: Francisco Javier Garcia Blas fjblas@arcos.inf.uc3m.es Antwort an: Francisco Javier Garcia Blas fjblas@arcos.inf.uc3m.es An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
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*IEEE Cloudnet 2014: Special Session on Cloud Computing and Sustainability*
in The Third IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, www.ieee-cloudnet.org http://xc0.r.mailjet.com/link/1nvy/ov209vm/1/xq2Q2qnsVJhampZxtZ0uBw/aHR0cDovL3hjMC5yLm1haWxqZXQuY29tL2xpbmsvMW52eS9vM3BuOWh2LzEveThiTk1RcVZNaDZlVnN6SFJhZHdjUS9hSFIwY0RvdkwzaGpNQzV5TG0xaGFXeHFaWFF1WTI5dEwyeHBibXN2TVc1MmVTOXZNRFJ6ZWprMkx6RXZYMVJIZUdORmVtdE5iUzF0Y0d4UFlUaFhSRzF4VVM5aFNGSXdZMFJ2ZGt3elpETmtlVFZ3V2xkV2JFeFhUbk5pTTFaclltMVdNRXh0T1hsYWVUZw October 8-10th, 2014. LUXEMBOURG
More details at www.ieee-cloudnet.org/Cloud_Computing_and_Susteinability-SS-CLOUDNET2014.pdf http://xc0.r.mailjet.com/link/1nvy/ov209vm/2/rW9sxENTOKeKZNd7pkcenQ/aHR0cDovL3hjMC5yLm1haWxqZXQuY29tL2xpbmsvMW52eS9vM3BuOWh2LzIvWExCbEJ5anRYY0hDRHZBVVhNRTZkZy9hSFIwY0RvdkwzaGpNQzV5TG0xaGFXeHFaWFF1WTI5dEwyeHBibXN2TVc1MmVTOXZNRFJ6ZWprMkx6SXZPRFpSVkVoaVRUWmFjMmd0WjNWa1IxbzFXbU16Wnk5aFNGSXdZMFJ2ZGt3elpETmtlVFZ3V2xkV2JFeFhUbk5pTTFaclltMVdNRXh0T1hsYWVUbEVZa2M1TVZwR09VUmlNakYzWkZoU2NHSnRaR1paVnpWcldERk9NV016VW14aFZ6Vm9XVzFzYzJGWVVqVk1WazVVVEZWT1RWUXhWa1ZVYTFaVlRXcEJlRTVETlhkYVIxaw
With the advent of ultrascale computing systems, envisioned as large scale complex systems joining parallel and distributed computing systems that will be two to three orders of magnitude larger that today’s systems, clouds will play a major role as an integration and support platform to provide every kind of virtual computing environment (HPC, HTC, data centers, etc.). However, as the scale grows, it is more and more difficult to provide efficient and sustainable solutions. To cope with this problem, the research in large scale cloud computing is addressing a large variety of challenges related to sustainable scalability such as economy-of-scale, agile elastic scalability, energy efficiency, scalable storage, computing accelerators, automatic management of resources, resilience, hybrid clouds, etc.
This special session is focused on novel contributions towards increasing the sustain- ability of ultrascale cloud computing systems with a holistic approach. Papers submitted should provide new techniques toward sustainable cloud computing systems, including better programmability of applications and system software stack, sustainable data manage- ment, energy efficiency, system resilience, and deployment in distributed ultrascale cloud platforms.
• Development, evaluation, and optimization of sustainable cloud architectures. • Cloud Composition, Federation, and hybrid cloud infrastructure. • Virtual HPC architectures on the Cloud: techniques for a sustainable implementation and deployment. • Software engineering approaches for ultra Scale systems. • Sustainable cloud management through self-managing techniques. • Ultra-scale performance monitoring techniques. • Dynamic provisioning techniques to increase utilization of servers. • Dynamic run-time adaptation for heterogeneous cloud platforms. • Data Flow Management and Load Balancing. • Sustainable software tools and techniques for clouds. • Agile (semi)automatic cloudification techniques and frames. • Sustainable big data processing techniques in cloud environments. • Techniques for reduction of energy consumption of applications and services by using Clouds. • Energy aware multi-Tenant environments. • Hardware and software tailoring techniques for greener infrastructures. • Resilience techniques to enhance sustainability of large-scale cloud systems. • Benchmarking and Modeling cloud sustainability in several aspects (applications, frameworks, IaaS, etc.).
*Important dates*
Paper Submission: July 3, 2014 Notification of Acceptance: August 1, 2014 Final Paper: August 15, 2014
*Session organizers*
Ivona Brandic. Vienna University of Technology, Austria Jesus Carretero. University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain Javier Garcia Blas. University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain ________________________________________________________ Francisco Javier García Blas Computer Architecture, Communications and Systems Area. Computer Science Department. UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID Avda. de la Universidad, 30 28911 Leganés (Madrid), SPAIN e-mail: fjblas@arcos.inf.uc3m.es mailto:fjblas@arcos.inf.uc3m.es fjblas@inf.uc3m.es mailto:fjblas@inf.uc3m.es Phone:(+34) 916249143 FAX: (+34) 916249129 ________________________________________________________