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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for Chapters_Springer Book on Mobile Big Data_Extended Deadline
Datum: Mon, 29 Aug 2016 16:32:51 +0300
Von: George Mastorakis <mastorakis@gmail.com>

*Call for Book Chapters for the Springer-Verlag Handbook:*

*/Mobile Big Data/*

*/A Roadmap from Models to Technologies/*


*Georgios Skourletopoulos, University of Nicosia, Cyprus*

*George Mastorakis, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece*

*Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis, University of Nicosia, Cyprus*

*Ciprian Dobre, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania*

*Evangelos Pallis, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece*

*To be published in the “**Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and 
Communications Systems” book series, Springer (2017)*


The usage of mobile devices steadily grows causing an enormous raise in 
the mobile data traffic over the Internet. Data is not produced only by 
handheld devices, such as mobile phones and tablets, but also by 
pervasive and wearable devices. They are configured for collecting and 
delivering data to related servers that host online/mobile social 
networks. To further support this argument, the explosion of data (i.e., 
web traffic and social network comments, as well as software and 
sensors) helps businesses to guide decisions, trim costs and lift sales. 
The link of communicating sensors to computing intelligence motivates 
the rise of Internet of Things (IoT) or Industrial Internet. However, 
the computer tools for gleaning knowledge and insights from the 
unstructured data are fast gaining ground. In this context, the 
multi-source collection of data brings into the researchers’ attention 
issues that should be investigated, like novel access mechanisms and 
multi-source Mobile Big Data Collecting techniques. Also, the huge 
amount of data raises issues of distributed Big Data Storing 
methodologies and Intra/Inter-Big Data processing.

In addition, the new trends of mobile networks that enable the 
inter-connection of new types of devices along with their services rise 
the need for adopting new data management solutions and network 
architectures to support the provision of novel services and 
applications. Furthermore, the fifth generation (5G) wireless 
communication systems are envisaged to lead to higher-level mobile 
users’ experiences, while it will also contribute to host novel services 
and applications, which in turn will produce a vast amount of data. With 
the emergence of ultra-fast 5G mobile networks and highly-featured 
smartphones, tablets and wearable computing devices, the prerequisites 
will be met for bringing cloud computing to the mobile domain.This book 
indicates the emerging advances in Mobile Big Data based on an 
engineering perspective, which are underway in research and cover a wide 
range of mobile applications as well as scenarios.

    The Overall Objective of the Book

This book aims to become a state-of-the-art reference, discussing 
progress made, as well as prompting future directions on the theories, 
practices, standards and strategies that are related to the Mobile Big 
Data domain. The book will target methodologies aiming to take Mobile 
Big Data to the Cloud, and be able to process Real-Time Streaming Events 
on-the-move. The need of high velocity processing and low latency 
response will be one of the major characteristics of the aims and 
objectives of the sections related in the proposed book. Another aim of 
the proposed book is to discuss methods and practices to improve 
multi-source Big Data collecting techniques, as well as the integration 
of resources’ availability through the 3As (Anywhere, Anything, Anytime) 


Chapters should be written in a manner readable for both specialists and 

*Recommended topic areas include, but are not limited to:*

●Mobile Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT) advances and challenges

●Analysis of the various aspects for Mobile Big Data storage services

●Pervasive Computing and Computational Technologies for Mobile Big Data 
and IoT

●Mobile Big Data models, novel network infrastructures and approaches in 
5G mobile networks

●Security and privacy issues for Mobile Big Data in 5G mobile networks

●Big Data analytics in 5G mobile networks

●Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Big Data processing and controlling networking 
at the edge (sensing and sensor signal processing, sensor networking 
protocols, energy harvesting and energy management)

●Data management and analytics: business intelligence from sensor data, 
social networks analysis in 5G mobile networks

●Mobile Big Data theories and mobile cloud models

●Mobile Big Data infrastructures and systems

●Mobile Big Data management

●Mobile Big Data mining

●Mobile Big Data and crowdsourcing

●Mobile Big Data applications and services

●Mobile Big Data standardizations

●Energy-aware issues for Mobile Big Data

●Big Data and mobile cloud Resource Management

●Mobile Big Data for multimedia communications and game computing

●Mobile Big Data storage issues

/Any other relevant topics with the Mobile Big Data paradigm are of 
primary interest and can be hosted as a chapter in the Book./

Sections of the above-mentioned topics will be hosted under the 
following sections:

*Section I — Introduction and Applications of Mobile Big Data*

*Section II — Architectures for Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) and Mobile 
Big Data*

*Section III— Big Data paradigm in Ubiquitous Engineering and Computing 

*Section IV— Data Security and Personal Privacy for Mobile Big Data*

*Section V— Social Networks and Mobile Big Data*

*Section VI— Resource and Power management for the Mobile Big Data*

    _Schedule & Deadlines_

●*_30^th September 2016_**_(extended)_*
Chapter proposal (max. 2-pages)/Intention to submit a chapter to the 
following e-mail addresses and via Easychair: 
“skourletopoulos.g@unic.ac.cy” and cc to “gmastorakis@staff.teicrete.gr 
<mailto:gmastorakis@staff.teicrete.gr>” and “mavromoustakis.c@unic.ac.cy”

●*_31^st December 2016_**__*
Full chapter submission (only the pdf) via Easychair 

●*_28^th February 2017 _*
Review comments

●*_30^th April 2017 _*
Submission of the revised version

●*_31^st May 2017 _*
Final acceptance notification

●*_30^th June 2017 _*
Final manuscript

    _Manuscript Preparation_

●Please follow the manuscript formatting guidelines below and submit the 
original version (in */Microsoft word/*) and or */LaTex/* format as per 
the guidelines 
See also http://www.cs.unic.ac.cy/cmavrom/calls.htmlfor the related 

●Each final manuscript should be 30 pages long (*formatted*). Depending 
on the number of submissions, longer manuscripts will also be accepted.

●Please prepare your manuscript according to the following 

Submit the proposal of your chapter(s) via e-mailand via */_Easychair_/*.

The submission web site is:


oPlease note that both (*e-mail and via EasyChair*) submission methods 
should be used for cross confirmation.

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