-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [WI] CFP BISE Special Issue on CSCW & Social Computing
Datum: Mon, 2 Dec 2013 09:58:10 +0100
Von: Michael Koch <michael.koch@unibw.de>
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org, cscw-sig@jiscmail.ac.uk, eusset@listserv.zimt.uni-siegen.de, mci@listserv.zimt.uni-siegen.de, fgcscw@gi-ev.de, isworld@listserv.heanet.ie, "wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de Liste (wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de)" <wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de>, dbworld@cs.wisc.edu

Dear colleagues,

we would like to draw your attention to a call for papers for the Business & Information Systems (BISE) special issue on "CSCW & Social Computing“, which can be found below. BISE (the International Journal of WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK) has been a leading journal in information systems for 55 years (impact factor 2012: 1.2). We cordially invite original research contributions for this special issue until July 1, 2014.

3/2015 CSCW & Social Computing

1 Special issue
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) has traditionally studied the interdependencies between collaborating human actors and computer systems. New CSCW systems enable completely new divisions of labor between collaborating actors and computer systems in an organizational setting. Particular examples are crowdsourcing, open innovation or the inclusion of external experts in internal processes. This has important implications for organizational structures, management and motivation.
Social Computing refers to supporting social interaction and socialization by the use of IT systems. Within that context the term Social Software is used for tools or services that ìsupport, extend or derive added value from human social behaviorî. While both terms ìSocial Computingî and ìSocial Softwareî have only become relatively popular within the last ten years, the core ideas behind them have a much longer history, going back to Vannevar Bushís ideas about the Memex in 1945.

In this special issue on "CSCW & Social Computing" we would like to focus on research that studies new human-human work and networking patterns as well as new configurations of humans and computers. Submissions should address challenges in the development, introduction and evaluation of information systems to support collaboration in teams, communities, crowds and social networks in and around organizations. Since supporting human work by information systems requires both an adequate understanding of technological developments and of work practices submissions can and should cover organizational, social and technical issues.

In the context of this focus we are asking for submissions from research and practice, e.g. on the following topics:
* Creating Value with Crowdsourcing
* Optimizing core organizational processes with CSCW
* From vision to action:† Collaborative Innovation Processes
* Future Trends for Collaboration Systems
* Vertical specialization of Collaboration Systems
* Big Data and Collaboration
* Organizational uses for social media
* Social Collaboration in the Digital workplace
* Enterprise Social Networks
* Ubiquitous Collaboration
* Collaboration Systems for Managing Complexity
* Collaboration and the Customer Experience
* Observed Collaboration Phenomena and Theories to Explain Them

2 Submission Guidelines
Authors are asked to submit their papers online under the category ìBISE-CSCW and Social Computingî by 2014-07-01 via the journalís submission system Editorial Manager (http://www.editorialmanager.com/buis/). All papers must follow the typing and formatting instructions for WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK/BUSSINESS & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (BISE) available at http://www.bise-journal.org. In particular, manuscripts should not exceed 50,000 characters (discounting 5,000 characters for each figure/table). Detailed authorsí guidelines can be downloaded from http://www.bise-journal.org.

Submissions are accepted in English only. All papers will be reviewed anonymously (double-blind process) by several referees with regard to relevance, originality, and research quality. In addition to the editors of the journal, including those of this special focus, distinguished national and international professionals with scientific and practical backgrounds will be involved in the review process.

3 Schedule
Paper submission due: 2014-07-01
Notification of authors: 2014-08-26
Revisions due: 2014-10-18
Completion of a second revision (if needed): 2015-01-20
Anticipated publication date: June 2015

Special Issue Editors

Michael Koch
Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany

Gerhard Schwabe
University of Zürich, Switzerland

Robert Briggs
San Diego State University, USA

Mailing-Liste: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-request@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi