Projects, practices, showcases
Projects presenting within the Synergy StrandThe Synergy Strand in Zagreb will facilitate the sharing of project outputs and research findings, offer the participants platform to develop new ideas and plans, to create new partnerships by engaging the conference audience in highly interactive working group activities during parallel sessions. For more information about the Conference and the Synergy Strand, please visit the Conference website. |
TALOE: Call for e-assessment practicesEDEN is partner of 'Time to Assess Learning Outcomes in E-learning’ - TALOE project coordinated by University of Porto. The main goal of the project is to develop a web-based platform to help teachers and trainers decide which e-assessment strategies to use in their online courses. The project is collecting case studies on e-assessment. If you have any interesting cases, please send them directly to within the next ten days. From this link you can download a template to help you in structuring the information you send. All received case studies will be considered and used to define the criteria and the types of e-assessment that the project is intending to involve in the platform. |
5th eLene2learn Newsletter – What do the teachers say?The eLene2learn project continues to explore and study the ways in which ICT and digital media support the development of learning to learn competencies in lifelong learning transitions. The third and fourth newsletters introduced the ‘How to’ guide and an ever-growing collection of case studies and invited to and reported on the project's public events. The current (5th) newsletter provides further insights into results, achievements and upcoming events. In addition to reading this latest newsletter release, you are also invited to join the eLene2learn discussions on Facebook and to explore the revised project portal. |
Digiskills Newsletter - Share your good practice!
The special in this community is that there are no barriers between secondary, higher and adult learning practices. Everyone can find the way to learn and to inspire each other. However, the curriculum and the content can be different, you may find a meaningful methodology or an interesting tool. Join our community and read the Newsletter here. |
For more information about the projects EDEN is involved in, please visit the EDEN website.
You receive this newsletter as member of the EDEN e-mail list. To read about the EDEN Membership Services, please visit this link. The archive of previous Newsflashes and Project Newsletters can be found at the Networks of Academics and Professionals - NAP Members' Area.