---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: CfP Promoting Smart User-Centred Approaches in Innovative Teachin g & LearningDate: Friday 24 January 2003 11:32From: Ghaoui Claude C.Ghaoui@livjm.ac.ukTo: Clara Ines Pena de Carrillo clarenes@silver.udg.es, Claudia Engel cengel@cesga.es, coelho@comp.ita.cta.br, Cord.Hockemeyer@kfunigraz.ac.at, Cornelia Seeberg Cornelia.Seeberg@KOM.tu-darmstadt.de, cstaff@cs.um.edu.mt, d.mullier@lmu.ac.uk, damien@cometway.com, daniel@passage.com, Daryl McCullough daryl@cogentex.com, David Brown dcb@sequoia.WPI.EDU, David Bueno Vallejo bueno@lcc.uma.es, Paul De Bra debra@win.tue.nl, Fiorella de Rosis fide@flashnet.it, dlamas@telepac.pt, dlamas@ufp.pt, Don.Raikes@pni.com, dparra@cutipay.inf.uach.cl, dubrau@inf.tu-dresden.de, dufresne@iro.umontreal.ca, duncanm@annec.co.uk, dunja@cs.cmu.edu, "Eklund, John" JohnE@testingcentre.com, Eric Schwarzkopf schwarzk@dfki.de, Erica Melis melis@ags.uni-sb.de, Fabio Paterno fabio.paterno@cnuce.cnr.it, Fahri Yetim fahri.yetim@njit.edu, Fiorella de Rosis fide@mbox1.flashnet.it, Florina Almenárez florina@it.uc3m.es, Franca Garzotto garzotto@elet.polimi.it, Francisco Saiz francisco.saiz@ii.uam.es, Fresta Giuseppe Giuseppe.Fresta@cnuce.cnr.it, Fulantelli fulantelli@itdf.pa.cnr.it, G.Fresta@cnuce.cnr.it, gandolla@sirius.nucleo.inpe.br, Gary Katzenstein mngary@ust.hk, garzotto@elet.polimi.it, gd1@mail.inf.tu-dresden.de, Gene Golovchinsky gene@pal.xerox.com, "Juan E. Gilbert" gilbert@eng.auburn.edu, gloria teo teo@gmd.de, grb@psyc.nott.ac.uk, Gustaf Neumann neumann@nestroy.wi-inf.uni-essen.de, Nicola Henze henze@kbs.uni-hannover.de, hester21@hotmail.com, hockemey@BPSLG51.kfunigraz.ac.at, Hubertus.Hohl@mchp.siemens.de, Kristina Höök kia@sics.se, IKSAL Sebastien sebastien.iksal@enst-bretagne.fr, j.eklund@uts.edu.au, James Ohene-Djan map01jo@gold.ac.uk, Jana Trnková jana@tk.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de, Jean-Luc Guerin Jean-Luc.Guerin@utc.fr Call for Papers: Invited Session on Promoting Smart User-Centred Approaches in Innovative Teaching & LearningSession Organiser & Chair: Dr Claude Ghaoui, UK As part of the 7th International Conference onKnowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems3, 4 & 5 September 2003, St Anne's College, University of Oxford, UK
Topic and Aim of the SessionSuccessful use of ICT in education depends on smart usable designs that donot require expensive training, accommodate the needs of diverse users andare low cost. Thus, there is an increasing pressure for adopting innovativeapproaches to the design and delivery of education. This is partly due tothe increasing number of learners and the limited resources available tomeet such diversity in user needs, background, expectations, skills, ages,abilities and cultural differences. The advances in ICT have made it possible to reach out to a wider audiencearound the globe. However, this is not always satisfactory. Introducingsuccessful innovation in T&L requires care in employing smart user-centredapproaches that are derived from HCI research & principles; this issueremains a big challenge. Motivated by this challenge, the session aims toemphasize the need to take a multi-disciplinary view on this issue, bymarrying solutions from HCI, AI, interactive multimedia technology and theWWW to benefit innovative T&L. Research papers, which address any questions/problems on thistopic/challenge, are welcome. Both theoretical papers and papers describingpractical experiences are welcome. Authors are strongly encouraged toprovide in-depth conclusions of their insights on weaknesses, strengths andlessons learnt of issues they introduce. Instructions for AuthorsA brief intention must be sent by email to the Session Chair, includingauthor's details, title and a brief abstract. Only electronic copies of thefull paper in Microsoft Word or PDF forms are acceptable for review purposesand must be sent by email to the Session Chair directly. However, you willbe required to send camera-ready hard copy of the final version of yourpaper; electronic submission of final papers is not allowed. The full paperswill be blind-reviewed by at least two expert referees. Please note thedeadlines below are strict. Authors must comply with the required paper format/style and maximum length,which will be available on the Web Site(http://www.brighton.ac.uk/kes/kes2003/). All papers must be presented by at least one of the authors, who mustregister with payment for their papers to appear in the proceedings (see theConference Site). PublicationThe Conference Proceedings will be published by a major publisher.Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication inthe KES Journal (International Journal of Knowledge-Based IntelligentEngineering Systems, http://www.brighton.ac.uk/kes/journal/) Important DatesA brief intention to the Session Chair: by February 5, 2003The full paper to the Session Chair: by February 28, 2003Notification of acceptance: by March 17, 2003Camera-ready hard copy of final paper to the Session Chair: by April 14,2003(Notes from the Conference Office: The Session Chair must send finalcamera-ready papers to reach the KES Secretariat by 1 May 2003 or they willnot appear in the proceedings. Papers that do not strictly comply with theformatting style required will not be published in the proceedings). Contact DetailsName of Session Organiser & Chair: Dr Claude GhaouiAddress: School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Liverpool JohnMoores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool L3 3AF, UKPhone: 0151 231 2276Fax: 0151-207-4594Email: C.GHAOUI@LIVJM.AC.UK ------------------------------------------------------- -- Univ.Prof. Dr.Gustaf NeumannAbteilung für WirtschaftsinformatikWU-Wien, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien