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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP: The 6th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspective in IS development (STPIS'20), on 08th - 09th June 2020, Grenoble, France.
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 10:59:40 +0000
From: Mikko Rajanen <Mikko.Rajanen@oulu.fi>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

[Apologies for cross-posting. Please share.]

Dear colleagues,
Please consider submitting a paper and visiting Grenoble, France on 08th – 9th June 2020 to participate in

The 6th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspective in IS development (STPIS'20)

Submission is open for the first call with a submission deadline of 01 April 2020
The main purpose of the workshop is to arrange discussions on using a socio-technical perspective in organizational systems development, the long-term goal being to make this workshop a meeting place for the community of researchers and practitioners interested in the socio-technical approach.
Following the purpose, only part of the workshop is devoted to presentations, the rest is designated for collaborative work. This year we will again follow the practice established during STPIS'17 and will be working on a real case from the local industry.

Please refer to our website for further information: https://stpis2020.cs.ut.ee/

STPIS is attached to the CAiSE’20 conference: http://caise20.imag.fr/

A brief description is presented below

Despite that a socio-technical perspective has been around for over a half century, it is often forgotten in the Information Systems (IS) discourse today. Consequently, many “new approaches” appear to reflect on IS systems problems, such as modern IT systems being poorly adjusted to the external or/and internal environment (e.g. market, organizational culture) of organizations in which they are (to be) deployed. We strongly believe that it is high time the social-technical perspective took its rightful place in IS research, practice and teaching.
The main purpose of the workshop is to arrange discussions on using a socio-technical perspective in IS development, the long-term goal being to make this workshop a meeting place for the community of IS researchers and practitioners interested in the socio-technical approach.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
1. Contemporary socio-technical approaches, in practice and theory
2. Experiences of and reflections about using socio-technical approaches in practice
3. Industry 5.0 / Society 6.0 as part of socio-technical practice and agenda
4. Methodological aspects of using socio-technical approaches in practice
5. Socio-technical approach: Education and training
6. Case studies using socio-technical approaches
7. Information system design using socio-technical approaches
8. Socio-technical comparative studies of technology/IS adoption

1. Socio-technical analysis, design, development and integration of:

* health care systems
* crisis management systems
* information security management systems
* learning systems
* privacy enhanced technology
* work-systems
* knowledge management
* Job-Crafting
* work and information systems de-design
* human activity systems
10. Societal Security from a socio-technical perspective
11. Information Systems Security from a socio-technical perspective
12. Ethnographic and Anthropological aspects of IS design and adoption
13. Philosophical aspects of socio-technical practices
14. Socio-technical HCI
15. IT business alignment from a socio-technical perspective
16. Using Viable System Model (VSM) for analysis and design of socio-technical systems

We invite submissions of short and long papers and poster abstracts in the following categories:

* Position papers & Idea papers
* Experience reports
* Research papers
* Posters

Deadlines for the first call
Submission of papers - 01 April 2020
Notification of acceptance – 25 April 2020

As with the previous editions of STPIS, we are planning to produce proceedings on-line via CEUR services. CEUR proceedings are indexed by DBLP, Google Scholar, Scopus, CiteSeer/CiteSeerX, etc. For Scandinavian researchers, the publisher is in the Norska systemet rated as level 1 (which is the highest level for the conferences and workshops). Proceedings for the previous editions of STPIS can be found here:
http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2107/ and

Organizing committee
Peter Bednar, University of Portsmouth, UK & Lund University, Sweden – General chair Alexander Nolte, University of Tartu, Estonia & Carnegie Mellon University, USA – Program chair Anna Sigríður Íslind, Reykjavik University, Iceland – Workshop chair
Helena Vallo Hult, University West & NU Hospital Group, Sweden – Workshop chair
Mikko Rajanen, University of Oulu, Finland – Publicity & Proceedings chair
Federico Pigni, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France – Local Organizing chair
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