-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 2.CFP: Robotics in Education 2012
Date: Fri, 04 May 2012 15:44:16 +0200
From: David Obdrzalek <David.Obdrzalek@mff.cuni.cz>
To: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at

                         2nd CALL FOR PAPERS

3rd International Conference on Robotics in Education
13 - 15 September 2012 Prague,  Czech Republic


The International Robotics in Education Conference (RiE) aims at bringing 
researchers, teachers, practicing engineers, as well as industry experts 
from all over the world onto a common platform.

After Bratislava in 2010 and Vienna in 2011, the 2012 Edition of RiE will 
be held in Prague.
We encourage to submit and present new trends, practical experiences, and 
the latest innovations and advances in the area of Robotics in Education.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
    * Robotics in school
    * Robotics curricula
    * Project-based learning and robotics
    * Didactic approaches and materials
    * Teaching and training for robotics
    * Evaluation and pilot studies
    * Exemplary robotics projects in classes
    * Laboratory experiments for teaching robotics
    * International trends in educational robotics
    * Evaluation and assessment of robotic-enhanced class activities
    * Hardware and software of robotic kits
    * Web-based robotics and simulation
    * Robotics competitions

Similarly to previous years, the Robotour contest is part of RiE schedule: 
http://robotika.cz/competitions/robotour/2012/en. We recommend the conference 
participants to visit Robotour to see this practical example of robotics in 
education - and education in robotics, too.

Important dates:
May 15 2012    Paper submission
June 15 2012   Notification of acceptance
July 15 2012   Early registration deadline
August 1 2012  Camera-ready papers
September 13-15 2012  The Conference
September 15 2012     Robotour

Conference main contact: rie2012@rie2012.eu
Website: http://rie2012.eu
Robotour: http://robotika.cz/competitions/robotour/2012/ 

Conference organisers:
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (Prague, 
Czech Republic)
in cooperation with:
FEI STU - Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical 
Engineering and Information Technology (Bratislava, Slovakia)
INNOC - Austrian Society for Innovative Computer Sciences (Wien, Austria) 

Previous years:
2011 Vienna: Archive: www.rie2011.org, proceedings: ISBN 978-3-200-02273-7
2010 Bratislava: Archive: rie2010.stuba.sk, proceedings: ISBN 978-80-227-3353-3