---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: IRMA - Call for Papers: Submission Deadline October 1, 2001 Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 12:43:32 -0400 From: Luvai Motiwalla Luvai_Motiwalla@UML.EDU To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Pervasive Computing and Networking Technologies
Track of 2002 Information Resources Management Association International Conference
May 19-22, 2002 at Renaissance Madison Hotel Seattle, Washington, USA
TRACK CHAIR Luvai Motiwalla University of Massachusetts, Lowell E-mail: luvai_motiwalla@uml.edu
TRACK COVERAGE Telecommunications is communication by wire or wireless means, usually over a distance. It forms an important aspect of national and global infrastructure. It presents a challenging and wide ranging spectrum of management problems as well as business opportunities. It figures prominently in current firm, group and personal applications, and in visions of a future "electronic global village." Current information systems thinking on inter-organizational systems, electronic data interchange, and strategic information systems draws heavily on present and anticipated developments in telecommunications technology.
The Pervasive Computing and Networking Technologies Track encourages the submission of quality papers and panel and workshop proposals dealing with (but not limited to) the following topics:
* Emerging Telecommunications & Networking Applications * Management and Enterprise Requirements for Telecommunications Systems * User Requirements for Telecommunication & Pervasive Systems * Telecommunications Regulations * Transnational and Global Issues in Telecommunications * Telecommunications Protocols * Telecommunications Architectures and Standards * Organizational Role of Telecommunications * Justifying Telecommunications Project Proposals * Evaluating Telecommunications & Pervasive Systems * Network Design and Implementation * Network Operations and Technical Support * Wide Area Networks * Metropolitan Area Networks * Local Area Networks * Mobile Area Networks
For complete conference information, visit the IRMA Web Site at http://www.irma-international.org