-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [WI] ebTEL 2013: 1st call for papers Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 12:12:01 +0200 From: Carlo Giovannella mifav@roma2.infn.it To: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
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================================================================ CALL FOR PAPERS
2nd International Workshop on evidenced-based Technology Enhanced Learning ebTEL 2013
Salamanca, Spain 22-24 May, 2013 http://ebtel.usal.es
co-located with the PAAMS 2013 Conference ================================================================
Paper submission deadline: December 14, 2012 Acceptance notification: February 8, 2013 Final version submission: February 25, 2013 Conference dates: May 22-24, 2013
Research on Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) investigates how information and communication technologies can be designed in order to support pedagogical activities. The Evidence based Design (EBD) of a system bases its decisions on empirical evidence and effectiveness. The evidence-based TEL workshop (ebTEL) brings together TEL and EBD. The workshop aims at collecting contributions concerning evidence-based TEL systems, like their design following EBD principles as well as success stories or best practices that educators, education stakeholders or educational psychologists used to improve their students' learning experience, in particular for students with specific difficulties (e.g. poor/slow readers, students living in impoverished communities or families).
The previous edition of ebTEL collected TEL contributions from computer science, artificial intelligence, evidence-based medicine, educational psychology and pedagogy. Like the previous edition, the international ebTEL’13 edition aims at being a forum in which TEL researchers and practitioners alike can discuss innovative evidence-based ideas, projects, and lessons related to TEL. The meeting will be held in Salamanca on May 22nd-24th 2013, in parallel with the PAAMS'13 International Conference.
TOPICS AND KEYWORDS Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- Evidence-based personalisation, user modelling and adaptation in TEL - Evidence-based games and game learning for TEL - Knowledge representation and reasoning for evidence-based TEL - Knowledge management and evidence-based TEL - Natural language processing and evidence-based TEL - Semantic web and evidence-based TEL - Web 2.0 and Social Learning environments for evidence-based TEL - Sharing and interoperability between evidence-based TEL systems - Effective teaching techniques and strategies for learning - Evidence-based design case studies - Evaluation guidelines, methodologies and methods for evidence-based TEL - Evidence-based TEL for users with special needs
The ebTEL workshop invites contributions in the area of TEL, both from computer science as well as evidence-based medicine, educational psychology and pedagogy. Researchers from these areas and education stakeholders are all expected contributors or participants. The organising committee will particularly encourage the participation of stakeholders and researchers in the educational or TEL field so as to foster the sharing of best practices in the field, and disseminate the research progress in the educational context.
We invite the submission of papers (max. 8 pages in Springer format) reporting original research, not previously published, relevant to the workshop's themes. All submissions will be carefully reviewed by an international program committee. All submitted papers will undergo a thorough review process; each paper will be refereed by at least two experts in the field based on relevance, originality, significance, quality and clarity.
The proceedings of the previous edition of ebTEL are available via Springer at Fhttp://www.springer.com/engineering/computational+intelligence+and+complexit....
All the accepted papers will be presented during the workshop and published by Springer in the Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing series. At least one of the authors will be required to register for the workshop in order to present the paper and have it included in the proceedings. It also foresees keynote presentations by experts in the TEL area.
The BISITE research group (http://bisite.usal.es) of the University of Salamanca, organiser of PAAMS 2013, offers 40 grants/awards to facilitate the attendance to doctoral and young doctors both to the event itself (including Workshops and Special Sessions) and to the parallel collocated events. More information: http://www.paams.net/grants
- Pierpaolo Vittorini - University of l'Aquila (Italy) - Rosella Gennari - Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) - Ivana Marenzi - L3S, Leibniz University of Hannover (Germany) - Fernando De la Prieta - University of Salamanca (Spain) - Juan M. Corchado - University of Salamanca (Spain)
- Mohammad Alrifai - L3S, Leibniz University of Hanover (Germany) - Anthony Baldry - University of Messina (Italy) - Vincenza Cofini - University of L'Aquila (Italy) - Ulrike Cress - University of Tübingen (Germany) - Giovanni De Gasperis - University of l'Aquila (Italy) - Juan Francisco De Paz - University of Salamanca (Spain) - Dina Di Giacomo - University of l'Aquila (Italy) - Tania Di Mascio - University of l'Aquila (Italy) - Gabriella Dodero - Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) - Peter Dolog - Aalborg University (Denmark) - Erik Duval - Katholike Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) - Wild Fridolin - Open University of the UK (UK) - Ana Belén Gil - University of Salamanca (Spain) - Oscar Gil - University of Salamanca (Spain) - Carlo Giovannella - University of Roma, Tor Vergata (Italy) - Eelco Herder - L3S, Leibniz University of Hanover (Germany) - Ralf Klamma - RWTH Aachen University (Germany) - Ralf Krestel - University of California (Irvine - USA) - Katherine Maillet - Telecom Ecole de Management (France) - Wolfgang Nejdl - L3S, Leibniz University of Hanover (Germany) - Stefano Necozione - University of l'Aquila (Italy) - Emanuele Pianta - FBK-irst (Italy) - Elvira Popescu - University of Craiova (Romania) - Sara Rodríguez - University of Salamanca (Spain) - Mario Rotta - Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy) - Maria Grazia Sindoni - University of Messina (Italy) - Marcus Specht - Open University of the Netherlands (Netherlands) - Sara Tonelli - FBK-irst (Italy) - Carolina Zato - University of Salamanca (Spain)
Dr. Juan Manuel Corchado and Fernando de la Prieta Pintado Department of Computers and Automation, Faculty of Science, University of Salamanca ebtel@usal.es
ebTEL has been launched under the collaborative frame provided by the TERENCE project (http://www.terenceproject.eu/
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