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Subject: [WI] Call for position papers, 14th Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS) Leipzig, Germany, 1-4 Sept. 2019
Date: Sun, 26 May 2019 17:26:56 +0200
From: Rainer Unland Uni <Rainer.Unland@uni-due.de>
Reply-To: Rainer Unland Uni <Rainer.Unland@uni-due.de>
Organization: Uni Duisburg-Essen


14th Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
(FedCSIS 2019)
Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany, 1-4 September, 2019

Strict submission deadline: June 04, 2019, 23:59:59 pm HST (no extensions)
(www.fedcsis.org; FedCSIS IEEE conference number: #45574)

KEY FACTS: publication: IEEE event (multiple units); 26 events in 5 focal
areas; conference fee covers lunches and 3 social events; Leipzig -
historical town in Eastern Germany, place where J.S. Bach spent most of his
life / professional career.

The FedCSIS 2019 Federated Conference invites submissions of POSITION
PAPERS to its respective events. Position papers must not exceed 8 pages
and they should relate to an ongoing research or experience. Position
papers will be presented by the authors alongside regular papers. Position
papers may be also submitted as DEMO PAPERS and presented as demonstrations
of software tools and products. They should describe non-for-profit
software tools in a prototype-, alpha-, or beta-version.


- EMERGING RESEARCH PAPERS present preliminary research results from
work-in-progress based on sound scientific approach but presenting work not
completely validated as yet. They must describe precisely the research
problem and its rationale. They must also define the intended future work
including the expected benefits from solution to the tackled problem.

- CHALLENGE PAPERS propose and describe research challenges in theory or
practice of computer science and information systems. The papers in this
category must be based on deep understanding of existing research or
industrial problems and should be defining new promising research


The FedCSIS 2019 consists of the following Events, grouped into five
conference areas.

* AAIA'19 - 14th International Symposium Advances in Artificial
Intelligence and Applications
- AIMA'19 - 9th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in
Medical Applications
- AIRLangComp'19 - 4th International Workshop on AI aspects in Reasoning,
Languages, and Computation
- ASIR'19 - 9th International Workshop on Advances in Semantic Information
- SEN-MAS'19 - 7th International Workshop on Smart Energy Networks &
Multi-Agent Systems
- WCO'19 - 12th International Workshop on Computational Optimization

* CSS - Computer Science & Systems
- 4A'19 - 1st Workshop on Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms
- BEDA'19 - 2nd International Workshop on Biomedical & Health Engineering
and Data Analysis
- CANA'19 - 12th Workshop on Computer Aspects of Numerical Algorithms
- C&SS'19 - 6th International Conference on Cryptography and Security
- LTA'19 - 4th International Workshop on Language Technologies and
- MMAP'19 - 12th International Symposium on Multimedia Applications and
- WAPL'19 - 7th Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages
- WSC'19 - 10th Workshop on Scalable Computing

* iNetSApp - International Conference on Innovative Network Systems and
- INSERT'19 - 3rd International Conference on Security, Privacy, and Trust
- IoT-ECAW'19 - 3rd Workshop on Internet of Things - Enablers, Challenges
and Applications

* IT4MBS - Information Technology for Management, Business & Society
- AITM'19 - 16th Conference on Advanced Information Technologies for
- DSH'19 - 1st Special Session on Data Science in Health
- InC2Eco'19 - 1st International Workshop on Cross-Domain Data Analysis and
Computation for Digital Ecosystems
- ISM'19 - 14th Conference on Information Systems Management
- KAM'19 - 25th Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management

* SSD&A - Software Systems Development & Applications
- LASD'19 - 3rd International Conference on Lean and Agile Software
- MIDI'19 - 7th Conference on Multimedia, Interaction, Design and
- SEW-39 & IWCPS-6 - Joint 39th IEEE Software Engineering Workshop (SEW-39)
and 6th International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems (IWCPS-6)
- SWsec'19 - 1st Workshop: Software Quality is like beauty - Visualize
software quality

* DS-RAIT'19 - 6th Doctoral Symposium on Recent Advances in Information


Position papers will be published as a Volume of the Annals of Computer
Science and Information Systems series (https://annals-csis.org/), with an
ISBN, ISSN and DOI numbers. The papers will be submitted for indexing to
DBLP Computer Science Bibliography and Google Scholar. The Annals-CSIS
volume will NOT be placed in the IEEE Digital Library and will NOT be
submitted to Clarivate Analytics Web of Science.

Authors should submit a position paper in English, carefully checked for
correct grammar and spelling, using the on-line submission procedure. The
guidelines for paper formatting provided at the conference website ought to
be used for all submitted papers. The required submission format is the
same as the camera-ready format. Please check, and carefully follow, the
instructions and templates provided. Papers that are out of the conference
scope of the selected event, or that contain any form of (self)plagiarism
will be rejected without reviews. All position papers will be refereed
before inclusion in the conference program.


Position paper submission (strict deadline): June 4, 2019
Author notification: June 25, 2019
Final paper submission and registration: July 10, 2019
Final deadline for discounted fee: August 1, 2019
Conference date: September 1-4, 2019

Maria Ganzha, Leszek A. Maciaszek, Marcin Paprzycki

CONTACT FedCSIS AT:secretariat@fedcsis.org

ABOUT FedCSIS Conference Series

FedCSIS an annual international multi-conference, this year organized
jointly by the Polish Information Processing Society (PTI), Poland Section
Computer Society Chapter, Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of
Sciences, Wroclaw University of Economics, Warsaw University of Technology
and Leipzig University, in technical cooperation with: IEEE Region 8, IEEE
Poland Section, IEEE Czechoslovakia Section Computer Society Chapter, IEEE
Poland Section (Gdansk) Computer Society Chapter, IEEE SMC Technical
Committee on Computational Collective Intelligence, IEEE Poland Section SMC
Society Chapter, IEEE Poland Section Control System Society Chapter, IEEE
Poland Section Computational Intelligence Society Chapter, International
Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), Committee of Computer Science
of Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Operational and Systems Research
Society, Eastern Cluster ICT Poland, Mazovia Cluster ICT.

Prof. Dr. Rainer Unland (retired)
University of Duisburg-Essen
Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB)
Practical Computer Science, especially Data Management Systems and
Knowledge Representation
Schuetzenbahn 70
45117 Essen, Germany
Tel.: (+49) 201-183 3421
IP-Tel. Skype: unlandr Fax: (+49) 201-183 4460
Email: Rainer.Unland at icb.uni-due.de
WWW: http://www.dawis.wiwi.uni-due.de/

Mailing-Liste: wi@lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request@lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi