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Self-organizing multi-agent systems: Technologies and applications Invited Session
Invited Session of the 8th International KES Conference on
Agents and Multi-agent Systems -Technologies & Applications
June 18 - 20, 2014
Chania - Crete, Greece
Multi-agent systems are composed of multiple interacting software components also known as agents who are capable of cooperating to solve problems that are beyond the abilities of any of them individually. Moreover, for scale, distribution or reasons due to uncertain environments, interactions among agents need to be realized in a completely decentralized and autonomous way. We can achieve all of the aforementioned if modeling multi-agent systems as self-organizing systems. Namely, by its definition self-organization is a process in which a global behavior emerges from the local interaction between different entities without any centralized control.
Even though self-organizing systems have been widely applied and their potentials are strongly recognized in many different application areas (e.g., swarm robotics, sensor networks and network optimization), the engineering of self-organizing system is still in a very early stage. Analogously to the software applications in the 60s, nowadays self-organizing systems have to be built from scratch. However, firstly there is a lack of simulators and tools that allow developers to build their prototypes and validate their applications. Secondly, there is also a lack of execution models and new paradigms for carrying on computations among a set of entities with computational capabilities.
Therefore, this invited session aims to connect researchers interested in self-organizing systems engineering, providing them a place for presenting and discussing new ideas that could contribute to the better understanding of the self-organizing systems engineering and transferring that knowledge to the industrial applications.
The subject areas will include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Self-organizing design patterns
- Execution models for self-organization
- Architectural styles for self-organization
- Bio-inspired self-organizing systems
- Adaptation in self-organizing systems
- Validation of self-organizing systems
- Design and development of self-organizing systems
- Tools and simulators for self-organizing systems engineering
- Controlling emergent behavior in self-organizing systems
- Self-organizing mechanisms in theory and practice
- Methodologies for engineering self-organizing systems
- Industrial applications of self-organizing systems
- Software Engineering techniques for self-organization
Important Dates
*** Feb. 3, 2014: Paper Submission ***
March 3, 2014: Author Notification
March 10, 2014: Camera-Ready Copy
March 14, 2014: Author Registration
Program Co-Chairs
Iva Bojic
University of Zagreb
email: Iva.Bojic@fer.hr
Jose Luis Fernandez-Marquez
University of Geneva
email: joseluis.fernandez@unige.ch
Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo
University of Geneva
email: joseluis.fernandez@unige.ch
Program Committee Members
Richard Anthony, Greenwich University, UK
Jake Beal, BBN technologies, USA
Juan Carlos Burguillo-Rial, University of Vigo, Spain
Jesus Cerquides, IIIA-CSIC, Spain
Onder Gurcan, CEA LIST, France & Ege University, Turkey
Tomislav Lipic, Ruder Boskovic Institute, Croatia
Sara Montagna, University of Bologna, Italy
Meritxell Vignyals, Southampton University, UK
Mirko Viroli, University of Bologna, Italy
Juan Ye, University of St. Andrews, UK
Hung La, Rutgers University, USA
... to be completed
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in their Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing series, index/abstracted* in ISI Proceedings, DBLP. Ulrich's, EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math, MetaPress and Springerlink.
Paper submission and format
Papers are invited for the conference on topics lying within the scope of the conference. All contributions must be of high quality, original, should not have been published elsewhere and should not be intended for publication elsewhere during the review period or time of the conference.
To ensure high quality, all papers will be thoroughly reviewed by the conference Review Committee. Papers may be rejected without being sent to the reviewers if they are too long or if it is judged that they do not lie sufficiently within the scope of the conference.
The papers will be scheduled for presentation either orally or by poster, depending on their attributes, author preferences and referee recommendations. Please note that poster presentations are regarded as being of equal importance to oral presentations.
Submissions must be formatted according to the instructions which can be found on the Springer website (http://www.springer.com/series/11156) under "Instructions for Authors".
Papers must be submitted in PDF format for review purposes, but authors are required to upload editable word-processor files (LaTeX or MS Word) at the end of the review process.
The required paper length is 10 pages in publisher format. Papers longer than this may be subject to an additional charge. Papers much longer or shorter than the required length may be rejected, at the decision of the organisers.
Papers to be considered for the conference must be submitted in PDF form through the PROSE online submission and review system (http://amsta-14.kesinternational.org/prose.php)