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Dear Colleagues,
This year, the 19th edition of ItAIS will be organized as a joint
conference with the 14th Mediterranean Conference on Information
Systems, as done in 2019.
The ItAIS&MCIS2022 conference
http://www.itais.org/conference/2022) will take place in
Catanzaro, Italy, on October 14th - 15th 2022.
We would like to remind you that the deadline for submitting the
track proposal is on February 11.
Formatting rules, submission guidelines as well as the template
for the track proposal are available on the conference website
In case you may need further information, please do not hesitate
to write an email to
We look forward to working with you.
Best regards,
Stefano, on behalf of the ItAIS&MCIS2022 program chairs
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