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Subject: Ecoop Workshop on Web Software Technologies Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 09:37:29 -0300 From: Gustavo Rossi gustavo@SOL.INFO.UNLP.EDU.AR To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Aplogies for cross postings..
CALL FOR PAPERS 2nd International Workshop on Web Oriented Software Technology - IWWOST 2002 June 11, 2002, Málaga, Spain (together with ECOOP 2002) http://www.dsic.upv.es/~west2001/iwwost02 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the web application era that we are entering, dozens of web development application methods are being presented, most of them using some form of object-oriented technology. More than ever it is essential to look for common basic abstractions related with web technology, in order to avoid the "yet another method" syndrome. The workshop intention is to put together all groups of researchers worldwide in the area of methods for web application design and implementation, in order to learn about all methodological approaches having the Object Oriented paradigm and related approaches as the development base. This is the second edition of the workshop, which gathered 25 researchers in its successful first edition in Valencia, Spain, June 2001. They represented some of the most relevant universities and research centres with experience in the area. The event constituted a fruitful meeting where the basic principles related to the web applications software production process were discussed. IWWOST 2002 wants to be an open forum for all people working on hypermedia and conventional object-oriented software production methods for web-based applications. The final objective is to put them together with the intention of defining a precise process for building web applications. This will be done starting from user requirements elicitation and representation for such a web environment, up to the final software product built upon the modern OO, web technologies provided by industry. The workshop is supported by the iberoamerican research project WEST (Web- OrientedSoftware Technology), a CYTED project that joins 14 Universities and research centres of different iberoamerican countries whose researchers are involved in web applications and web technology.
NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS In order to ensure a manageable meeting, the maximum number of participants: will be limited to 25 persons. First IWWOST workshop participant selection was done by personal invitation. This second edition will follow a standard selection process guided by a program committee.
PAPER SUBMISSIONS To insure that the workshop is an occasion for a rich interchange of ideas and experiences, contributions are sought in the form of Extended Position Papers focusing on Web Application Analysis, Design and Implementation. Position papers should include detailed descriptions of concrete, non-trivial examples of the particular aspects being discussed; we expect discussions to go into as much detail as possible. Examples should be taken preferably from actual running applications. Papers will be selected according to their relevance, and quality. Although originality is not a sine-qua-non requirement, original results will always be given higher priority. Relevant topics include, but are not restricted to, - Object-Oriented Web Engineering Solutions (Architectural, Design and Navigational Patterns, among others); - Software production processes and methodologies for the web; - Quality of Web applications; - Object orientation and conceptual modelling for the web; - Use of meta-data, semantically rich formalisms and notations For web applications. Papers should not exceed 9000 words. Submissions should be made in electronic form, either as PDF, Microsoft Word, Postscript or plain text file, emailed to iwwost2002@dsic.upv.es.
WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS ECOOP Workshops will be published as a Workshop Reader by Springer Verlag as an LNCS volume, containing a summary and main conclusions, written by the organizers and participants. A separate workshop proceedings will be published, containing the full-submitted papers.
WORKSHOP ACTIVITIES The workshop will be centred on the presentation of the accepted papers, with ample time for a detailed presentation and discussions. If possible, all participants will be able to download the accepted papers before the workshop, so that they will have familiarized themselves with the work being presented.
IMPORTANT DATES Position paper due: April 8, 2002 Notification of acceptance: April 29, 2002 Deadline for early registration: May 6, 2002 Workshop: June 11, 2002
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Daniel Schwabe (PUC-Rio, Brasil) - Org. Chair - Luis Olsina (Universidad Nacional de la Pampa, Argentina), Oscar Pastor (Universidad Politécnica Valencia,España), Gustavo Rossi (Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina),
CONTACT E-MAIL iwwost2002@dsic.upv.es