-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CFP: 17th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2009) Datum: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 19:35:00 -0600 Von: Nicholas A. Kraft nkraft@cs.ua.edu Antwort an: Nicholas A. Kraft nkraft@cs.ua.edu An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
17th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension
ICPC 2009 17-19 May 2009 -- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society ------------------------------------------------------------ DATES
January 12: Abstracts for Technical Papers January 19: Technical Papers, Abstracts for Industrial Papers January 30: Working Sessions, Posters and Tool Demos, Industrial Papers March 6: Author Notification March 13: Camera Ready Papers ------------------------------------------------------------ Program comprehension is a vital blend of software engineering activities that supports reuse, inspection, maintenance, evolution, migration, reverse engineering, and reengineering of existing software systems. The International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC) is the principal venue for works in the area of program comprehension as well as a leading venue for works in the areas of software analysis, reverse engineering, software evolution, and software visualization. ICPC 2009 promises to provide a quality forum for researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to present and to discuss state-of-the-art and best-practice results in the field of program comprehension.
ICPC 2009 will be co-located with the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'09) in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. As a city of approximately 2 million people, Vancouver offers a wide variety of cultural attractions including the Vancouver Aquarium, Gastown, Granville Island, and Science World, while providing access to recreational activities like biking, sea kayaking, scuba diving, and hiking.
We invite high-quality submissions to all conference tracks. Submissions must be PDF files following the two-column IEEE CS proceedings style. Please check the conference web site for further information.
Please forward this call to anyone who might be interested.
http://icpc.csi.muohio.edu/ ------------------------------------------------------------ TECHNICAL PAPERS
Technical papers must be original work and must not be previously published in, currently submitted to, or currently in consideration for any journal, book, conference, or workshop. For an accepted paper to appear in the proceedings, at least one author must attend the event and present the work. A number of full technical paper submissions may be accepted as short papers.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: * Cognitive theories for program comprehension, including experiments and case studies * Comprehension of specific types of software systems, such as web-based systems, multi-language systems, legacy systems, object-oriented frameworks, component-based software, product line systems, and other large-scale systems * Comprehension in the context of specific lifecycle activities, such as maintenance, reengineering, migration, security auditing, inspection before purchase, and testing * Visualization in support of program comprehension
Page limit (full papers): 10 Page limit (short papers): 4 Due (abstracts): January 12, 2009 Due (papers): January 19, 2009
http://icpc.csi.muohio.edu/Call_for_Papers.html ------------------------------------------------------------ WORKING SESSIONS
The ICPC working sessions are forums for small groups of people who are engaged in research in the same subfield. The working sessions are meant to foster the exchange of ideas and to advance the state of research through focused interactions of the participants. The descriptions of the accepted working sessions will be included in the conference proceedings. The proposals should indicate a set of issues to be discussed in the session and should indicate some likely participants.
Page limit: 4 Due: January 30, 2009
http://icpc.csi.muohio.edu/Call_for_Papers.html ------------------------------------------------------------ POSTERS AND TOOL DEMONSTRATIONS
Posters describing preliminary research ideas will be exhibited in a separate session to foster an informal exchange between the exhibitors and the participants. Poster submissions are not required to cover completed major research results. A session for tool demonstrations will cover both industry-strength tools and academic prototypes. Accepted posters and tool demonstrations will be included in the conference proceedings. The poster/tool proposals should indicate the novelty of the approach and how the ideas will be presented.
Page limit: 2 Due: January 30, 2009
http://icpc.csi.muohio.edu/Call_for_Papers.html ------------------------------------------------------------ INDUSTRIAL PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE
Industrial papers must be original work and must not be previously published in, currently submitted to, or currently in consideration for any journal, book, conference, or workshop. For an accepted paper to appear in the proceedings, at least one author must attend the event and present the work. Accepted papers will be published on the conference web site and in the IEEE digital library.
The main goal of this track is to create a dialog between academic researchers and practitioners. The goal is to have representatives from industry who can give light to concrete, practical problems in the area or share their experiences in finding solutions to such problems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: * Problems and challenges related to program comprehension in practice * Practical program comprehension needs * Experiences with successful and unsuccessful industrial applications of program comprehension * Techniques, strategies, and tools used or needed * Successful and sustainable business models using program comprehension * Methods to convey the benefits of program comprehension techniques to management * Packaging program comprehension techniques for particular audiences or market program comprehension in multi-site projects
Page limit (experience reports): 6 Page limit (position statements): 4 Due (abstracts): January 19, 2009 Due (papers): January 30, 2009
http://icpc.csi.muohio.edu/Call_for_Papers.html ------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL CHAIR
Gerald C. Gannod Miami University, USA icpc2009@gmail.com
Rainer Koschke Universitat Bremen, Germany
Andrian Marcus Wayne State University, USA
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