Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) has emerged as
a unifying name for systems where the cyber
parts (i.e., the computing and communication
parts) and the physical parts are tightly
integrated, both at the design time and
during operation. Such systems use
computations and communication deeply
embedded in and interacting with physical
processes to add new capabilities to
physical systems. These cyber-physical
systems range from miniscule (pace makers)
to large-scale (a national power-grid).
There is an emerging consensus that new
methodologies and tools need to be developed
to support cyber-physical systems.
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical
Systems (TCPS) is the premier journal
for the publication of high-quality original
research papers and survey papers that have
scientific and technological understanding
of the interactions of information
processing, networking and physical
TCPS will cover the following topics:
- Computation Abstractions
- System Modeling and Languages
- System Compositionality and
- Design Automation and Tool Chains
- Trustworthy System Designs
- Resilient and Robust System Designs
- Human in the Loop
The application domains covered by TCPS
include, but not limited to: Healthcare,
Transportation, Automotive, Avionics,
Energy, Living Space, and Robotics.
For further information and to
submit your manuscript, visit
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