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Subject: [WI] JELIA 2019 - First CfP - IJCAI, TPLP publications and Awards
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2018 10:42:47 +0200
From: cfp@mat.unical.it
Reply-To: cfp@mat.unical.it
To: cfp@mat.unical.it

[apologies for multiple postings]


The Program Committee of the 16th European Conference on Logics in
Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2019) invites the submission of technical
papers for the conference that will be held in Rende, Italy, from May 8th
to May 10th, 2019. The aim of JELIA 2019 is to bring together active
researchers interested in all aspects concerning the use of logics in
Artificial Intelligence to discuss current research, results, problems,
and applications of both theoretical and practical nature. JELIA strives
to foster links and facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas among
researchers from various disciplines, among researchers from academia and
industry, and between theoreticians and practitioners.


Conference topics include, but are not limited to:
* Abductive and inductive reasoning
* Answer set programming
* Applications of logic-based AI systems
* Argumentation systems
* Automated reasoning including satisfiability checking and its extensions
* Computational complexity and expressiveness
* Deep learning for rules and ontologies
* Deontic logic and normative systems
* Description logics and other logical approaches to Semantic Web and
* Explanation finding
* Knowledge representation, reasoning, and compilation
* Logic programming, answer set programming, constraint logic programming
* Logic-based data access and integration
* Logical interpretation of machine learning models
* Logics for uncertain and probabilistic reasoning
* Logics in machine learning
* Logics in multi-agent systems, games, and social choice
* Neural networks and logic rules
* Non-classical logics, such as modal, temporal, epistemic, dynamic,
spatial, paraconsistent, and hybrid logics
* Nonmonotonic logics, default logics, conditional logics
* Ontology formalisms and models
* Ontology-based query answering
* Ontology-based reasoning
* Planning and diagnosis based on logic
* Preferences
* Reasoning about actions and causality
* Updates, belief revision and nonmonotonic reasoning


The Best Paper and the Best Student Paper of the conference will receive a
cash prize of EUR 500 each, offered by Springer.

The authors of both best papers will be invited to submit abridged
versions of their work to the IJCAI 2019 Sister Conference Best Paper

The authors of the top-notch contributions (from 3 to 6 papers, including
both best papers) will be invited to submit long and more elaborate
versions of their work for a special issue of Theory and Practice of Logic
Programming (TPLP).


Abstract submission deadline 26 November 2018 (23:59 UTC-12)
Paper submission 03 December 2018 (23:59 UTC-12)
Notification of acceptance 16 January 2019
Best paper notification 31 January 2019
Camera-ready due 28 February 2019
Online registration opens 01 March 2019
Conference start 08 May 2019


Submission Site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=jelia2019

For formatting guidelines, see more information on

JELIA 2019 welcomes submissions of long or short papers in the following

Regular papers. Submissions should contain original research, and
sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the contribution.
Submissions must not have been previously published or be simultaneously
submitted for publication elsewhere.

System/Application descriptions. Submissions should describe an
implemented system/application and its application area(s). A
demonstration should accompany a system/application presentation. Papers
describing systems or applications that have already been presented in
JELIA before will be accepted only if significant and clear enhancements
have been implemented and are properly reported.

All submissions should not exceed 13 (resp., 6) pages for long (resp.,
short) papers, including figures etc., but excluding references, and
should be written in English. Submissions must be formatted according to
the standard Springer LNCS style, and are not anonymous. The conference
proceedings of JELIA 2019 will be published by Springer-Verlag in the
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, a sub-series of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (Important note: Springer will require all the LaTeX
source files of all accepted submissions).


JELIA 2019 will not accept any paper that, at the time of submission, is
under review or has already been published or accepted for publication in
a journal or another conference. Authors are also required not to submit
their papers elsewhere during JELIA's review period. However, these
restrictions do not apply to previous workshops with a limited audience
and without archival proceedings.


Please send all enquiries at the email address jelia2019@mat.unical.it


General Chair
* Nicola Leone (University of Calabria)

Program Chairs
* Francesco Calimeri (University of Calabria)
* Marco Manna (University of Calabria)

Organization Chairs
* Carmine Dodaro (University of Genova)
* Valeria Fionda (University of Calabria)

Publicity Chair
* Simona Perri (University of Calabria)

Program Committee
* Mario Alviano (University of Calabria)
* Carlos Areces (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
* Franz Baader (Technische Universität Dresden)
* Peter Baumgartner (CSIRO)
* Salem Benferhat (CNRS, Université d'Artois)
* Meghyn Bienvenu (CNRS, University of Bordeaux)
* Alexander Bochman (Holon Institute of Technology)
* Gerhard Brewka (Universität Leipzig)
* Pedro Cabalar (Universidade da Coruña)
* David Carral (Technische Universität Dresden)
* Giovanni Casini (Université du Luxembourg)
* Cristina Civili (Samsung R&D Institute United Kingdom)
* Mehdi Dastani (Utrecht University)
* James Delgrande (Simon Fraser University)
* Ulle Endriss (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
* Wolfgang Faber (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt)
* Luis Farinas Del Cerro (CNRS)
* Eduardo Fermé (Universidade da Madeira)
* Michael Fisher (University of Liverpool)
* Michael Gelfond (Texas Tech University)
* Laura Giordano (Università del Piemonte Orientale)
* Lluis Godo (IIIA-CSIC)
* Tomi Janhunen (Aalto University)
* Gabriele Kern-Isberner (Technische Universitaet Dortmund)
* Roman Kontchakov (University of London)
* Jérôme Lang (CNRS, Université Paris-Dauphine)
* Joohyung Lee (Arizona State University)
* Joao Leite (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)
* Vladimir Lifschitz (University of Texas at Austin)
* Thomas Lukasiewicz (University of Oxford)
* Marco Maratea (University of Genova)
* Jerzy Marcinkowski (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)
* Pierre Marquis (CNRS, Université d'Artois)
* Thomas Meyer (CAIR, University of Cape Town)
* Angelo Montanari (University of Udine)
* Michael Morak (Technische Universität Wien)
* Manuel Ojeda-Aciego (University of Malaga)
* Magdalena Ortiz (Technische Universität Wien)
* David Pearce (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
* Rafael Peñaloza (Free University of Bozen)
* Luís Moniz Pereira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
* Andreas Pieris (University of Edinburgh)
* Henri Prade (CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier)
* Francesco Ricca (University of Calabria)
* Fabrizio Riguzzi (University of Ferrara)
* Jussi Rintanen (Aalto University)
* Uli Sattler (University of Manchester)
* Mirek Truszczynski (University of Kentucky)
* Toby Walsh (University of New South Wales)
* Frank Wolter (University of Liverpool)
* Stefan Woltran (Technische Universität Wien)

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