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CHI2020 - Sunday, April 26 - short position papers due Feb 11
Dear colleagues, we invite you to year three of:
Body as Starting Point: Exploring Inbodied Interaction Themes on
SUNDAY, APRIL 26 at CHI2020, Honolulu, Hawaii -
Inbodied Interaction aims to align the design of interactive
technology with an understanding of our body’s internal processes
and how they influence performance.
What would these systems look like? Imagine how we might design
HCI tools and interventions that:
- Target performance rather than prevention-only focused health
and wellness
- Aim to promote continual adaptation and self-awareness through
minimal data doses instead of outsourcing to constant/pervasive
data tracking
- Go beyond the simple good vs. bad dichotomy often framed around
foods / exercises / behaviors
To design these systems, it really helps to know a few things
about how we work under the hood, as the
physio-neuro-electro-chemical social systems we are. Come to this
workshop to contribute your knowledge, build new ideas and skills,
and explore this new area of HCI where we take the body as a
starting point.
Visit our website to learn more and register:
We look forward to seeing you.
Aaron Tabor - HCI Lab, University of New Brunswick
Josh Andres - IBM Research & Exertion Games Lab Monash U.
Ian Smith - HCI Lab, University of New Brunswick
Andrés Mejía Figueroa - Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Scott Bateman - HCI Lab, University of New Brunswick
m.c. schraefel - WellthLab University of Southampton, Southampton,
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