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Subject: CFC: Theories Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 13:31:26 +0800 From: Robert Davison isrobert@IS.CITYU.EDU.HK To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Dear ISWORLDers,
The appropriate use of theory has become a significant criterion for "good" research in our discipline. Indeed, we are inundated with theories. Most of these come from reference disciplines - Biology, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, ... It occurs to me that a typology of theories appropriate for IS would be a very valuable resource for IS researchers. I am not aware of such a resource (whether on line or published) in IS. Attempts have been made to develop such resources in other disciplines: see for example "Van de Ven and Poole (1995) Explaining Development and Change in Organisations, Academy of Management Review, 20, 3, 510-540".
I would like to invite you to send me the theories that you use in your research, preferably with a short explanation of what the theory proposes. Key references about a) the development and b) the application of the theory would be particularly valuable. I will present these resources for the ISWORLD community as is customary, probably as a web page.
Robert Davison Dept of Information Systems City University of Hong Kong
Theory without practice is sterile. Practice without theory is blind. "Nothing is so practical as a good theory." - Kurt Lewin (1946)
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