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Call for papers, Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS)
Special issue on Strategic Value of Big Data and Business Analytics
Guest Co-editors (alphabetical order):
Roger H.L. Chiang, University of Cincinnati, USA, roger.chiang@uc.edu
Varun Grover, Clemson University, USA, vgrover@clemson.edu
Ting-Peng Liang, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan,
Dongsong Zhang, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA,
Scope and Focus of the Special Issue
The rapid accumulation of data in different forms and from different
sources has driven an increasing interest in big data and business
analytics. Applications of various analytical tools have gained much
attention in recent years. Businesses are exploring the possibility of
uncovering hidden knowledge, improving decision making and supporting
strategic planning from the big data. Although substantial resources have
been invested in big data analytics and anecdotal evidence of success has
been reported, there has been very little substantial research on the
strategic contributions of big data analytics. The lingering question
remains of whether big data analytics is a fad that will disappear in five
In addition to the 4 Vs (volume, velocity, variety, and veracity)
characterization of big data, value has been recently considered as the
fifth key dimension in big data analytics. Analysis of data without
generating value offers no contribution to an organization, regardless of
whether the data is big or small. Therefore, we need more IS research to
examine how big data and business analytics create strategic value for
As managerial leadership in contemporary businesses thinks strategically
about how an organization builds its core competencies and creates value,
the ability to leverage big data and apply analytical solutions is
crucial. Success of big data requires more than just infrastructure,
knowledge of statistics or ways of dealing with big data. It also requires
an understanding of *how* analytics translates to competitive advantage and
strategic value. The effective translation of analytics to better business
outcomes stems from business intent as well as execution that involves
people, data, and tools. The challenge of deploying advanced data
analytics to outperform competitors is real, and top-performing companies
are more effective in every aspect of analytics, including capturing,
collecting and storing the big data, as well as processing and drawing
insights from it.
Following this line of thinking, this special issue focuses on *the
strategic value of big data and business analytics*, including, but not
limited to, the following issues:
● How can big data analytics help expand current lines of business
product and service offerings?
● How can big data analytics improve strategic decision making?
● How can big data analytics help manage and mitigate financial and
operating risks?
● How can big data analytics facilitate innovative business models?
● How can big data analytics create and sustain competitive advantage?
● How can we measure the strategic value of big data analytics?
● How to identify opportunities for creating business value from big
data and business analytics?
● What are the mechanisms of value creation through big data analytics?
● How can we advance theories on big data and business analytics?
Submissions are expected to make significant and novel contributions to the
field of MIS. Both empirical and design science research are welcome. All
submissions must be original and not be published or under review
elsewhere. All submission guidelines of JMIS must be met. Submitted papers
will be blindly reviewed. Interested authors should send their submission
to the following email address:JmisBigData@gmail.com.
Important Dates:
May 1, 2016: One-page abstract due
August 1, 2016: Full paper submission due
November 15, 2016: Notification of first round review
February 15, 2017: Revised manuscript due
June 15, 2017: Notification of second round review
September 1, 2017: Final manuscript due
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