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Betreff: [AISWorld] IJKM 11(2) ToC and Cfp
Datum: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 23:12:16 -0500
Von: MurphJen@aol.com
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Abstract  Announcement for International Journal of Knowledge Management 
(IJKM)  11(2)
The  contents of the latest issue of:
International  Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM)
Volume  11, Issue 2, April - June 2015
Published:  Quarterly in Print and Electronically
ISSN:  1548-0666; EISSN: 1548-0658; 
Published  by IGI Global Publishing, Hershey, USA
Editor(s)-in-Chief:  Murray E. Jennex (San Diego State University, 
USA)Note:  There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to 
the  International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM). All manuscripts 
are  accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process.  
Leadership  Social Power as a Component of KMS Success 
Vincent  Scovetta (Long Island University, Brookville, NY, USA), Timothy J. 
Ellis (Nova  Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA) 
This  study investigated the relationships between a leader's of Leadership 
Social  Power (LSP) profile and Knowledge Management Systems (KMS). 
Previous research  has established that KMS success is positively impacted by 
leadership commitment  to KMS, knowledge quality, and knowledge use. Yet how 
little we know about the  constructs of leadership that may impact KM. The goals 
of this research focused  on discovering how the manner in which leaders 
exert power – their LSP profile –  influenced each of these KM success 
factors. This research was able to  empirically demonstrate that LSP is a factor 
of that success and was able to  effectively predict Leadership Commitment to 
KMS, Knowledge Content Quality, and  Knowledge Use based upon predominate 
manner of Leadership Social Power used by  the KM leaders. 
To  obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To  read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
The  Knowledge-as-Object Metaphor: A Case of Semantic Pathology 
David  Hinds (H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business & Entrepreneurship, Nova 
 Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA), Arvind Gudi (H. Wayne  
Huizenga School of Business & Entrepreneurship, Nova Southeastern  
University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA) 
It  is argued that a “knowledge-as-object” metaphor is predominant within 
knowledge  management discourse and that this metaphor underlies our 
conceptualization of  knowledge in both an external sense and an internal sense. 
This dual application  of the word “knowledge” within the common context of 
knowledge management  represents a semantic pathology, a condition which 
leads to confused thinking  and dysfunctional problem solving. The pathology has 
had profound effects on our  understanding of knowledge management problems 
and the nature of the solutions  that are offered. A more balanced and 
unbiased approach will require that both  researchers and practitioners exhibit 
a greater awareness of the  knowledge-as-object metaphor and that they fully 
appreciate the pervasiveness  and power of the associated semantic 
To  obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To  read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
Individual  Level Knowledge Transfer in Virtual Settings: A Review and 
Zeying  Wan (Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, 
Nova Scotia,  Canada), Nicole Haggerty (Richard Ivey School of Business, The 
University of  Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada), Yinglei Wang (Fred 
C. Manning School  of Business, Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, 
Since  the emergence of the knowledge-based view of the firm in the 
mid-1990,  researchers have made considerable effort to untangle the complexity of 
how  individuals create, capture and realize value from knowledge. To date, 
this  burgeoning field has offered rich and yet diverse insights involving 
contextual,  process and outcome factors that influence individual level 
knowledge transfer.  Concomitantly globalization and advancing technologies have 
extended virtual  work arrangements such as virtual teams and virtual 
communities on the internet  and considerably extended the knowledge base upon 
which individuals can draw  when creating, acquiring, sharing and integrating 
knowledge. Research on  individual level knowledge transfer has also 
embraced these virtual environments  spawning new insights. Hence the objective of 
this paper is to assess current  state of research and identify potential 
avenues for future research at the  intersection of these two dimensions. The 
authors focus specifically on  knowledge transfer research at the individual 
level instead of the team or firm  level and within virtual settings. 
Applying a process view of knowledge  transfer, they synthesize existing findings 
and discuss issues surrounding the  inputs, processes, and outputs. The 
synthesis reveals both strengths and gaps in  the literature. Accordingly, the 
authors offer directions for future research  that may address the gaps and 
contribute to a more comprehensive understanding  of individual level 
knowledge transfer in virtual settings. 
To  obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below.
To  read a PDF sample of this article, click on the link below.
The  Essentials of Knowledge Management 
Murray  E. Jennex (College of Business Administration, San Diego State 
University, San  Diego, CA, USA) 
To  obtain a copy of the Book Review, click on the link below.
Essentials of Knowledge Management_ 
For  full copies of the above articles, check for this issue of the 
International  Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) in your institution's 
library. This  journal is also included in the IGI Global 
aggregated"InfoSci-Journals" database: _www.igi-global.com/isj_ 
(http://www.igi-global.com/e-resources/infosci-databases/infosci-journals/) .    
Mission  of IJKM: 
The  primary objective of the International Journal of Knowledge  
Management (IJKM) is to  provide a comprehensive cross discipline forum for advancing 
the understanding  of the organizational, technical, human, and cognitive 
issues associated with  the creation, capture, transfer and use of knowledge 
in organizations. The  secondary objective of this Journal is to share 
knowledge among researchers and  practitioners with respect to the design, 
development, implementation and  maintenance of effective knowledge management 
systems. The journal publishes  high quality empirical and theoretical research 
covering all aspects of  knowledge management. In addition to full-length 
research manuscripts, the  journal publishes insightful research and practice 
notes as well as case studies  from all areas of knowledge management. 
Indices  of IJKM: 
    *   ACM Digital Library 
    *   Australian Business Deans  Council (ABDC) 
    *   Bacon's Media  Directory 
    *   Burrelle's Media  Directory 
    *   Cabell's Directories 
    *   Compendex (Elsevier  Engineering Index) 
    *   CSA Illumina 
    *   DBLP 
    *   DEST Register of Refereed  Journals 
    *   Gale Directory of  Publications & Broadcast Media 
    *   GetCited 
    *   Google Scholar 
    *   INSPEC 
    *   JournalTOCs 
    *   KnowledgeBoard 
    *   Library & Information  Science Abstracts (LISA) 
    *   MediaFinder 
    *   Norwegian Social Science  Data Services (NSD) 
    *   PsycINFO® 
    *   SCOPUS 
    *   The Index of Information  Systems Journals 
    *   The Standard Periodical  Directory 
    *   Ulrich's Periodicals  Directory
Coverage  of IJKM: 
The International Journal of Knowledge  Management (IJKM) covers all  
aspects of the knowledge management discipline, from organizational issues to  
technology support to knowledge representation. High quality submissions are  
encouraged using any qualitative or quantitative research methodology.  
Submissions are especially encouraged covering the following topics:

    *   Basic theories associated  with knowledge creation, knowledge 
management, and organizational memory 
    *   Case studies of knowledge  management and organizational memory 
    *   Cognitive theories of  knowledge management and organizational 
    *   Design of information and  communication systems that facilitate 
knowledge transfer and sharing 
    *   Enablers and inhibitors of  knowledge sharing and knowledge 
transfer behaviors 
    *   Global issues in knowledge  management and organizational memory 
    *   Issues related to the  capture, storage, search, retrieval, and use 
of knowledge and organizational  memory 
    *   Knowledge acquisition and  transfer processes 
    *   Knowledge management in  small and medium enterprises 
    *   Knowledge management  strategy 
    *   Knowledge management  training issues 
    *   Knowledge reuse in  organizations 
    *   Knowledge transfer and  sharing behaviors within emergent 
organizational forms such as virtual  communities 
    *   Methodologies and  processes for developing knowledge management 
    *   Metrics and effectiveness  of knowledge management and 
organizational memory systems 
    *   Organizational and  economic incentive structures for knowledge 
sharing and use 
    *   Organizational culture  impacts on knowledge management 
    *   Organizational  learning 
    *   Use of semantic networks,  topic maps, the Internet, digital 
documents, XML, taxonomies, ontologies, and  other technologies to implement 
knowledge management systems
Interested  authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission 
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