-----FW: 200001142026.VAA21012@berlecon.de-----
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 18:13:55 +0100 From: Thorsten Wichmann tw@berlecon.de To: michael.fritscher@wu-wien.ac.at Subject: CFP: 3rd Berlin Internet Economics Workshop
Call for Papers for the 3rd Berlin Internet Economics Workshop May 26 - 27, 2000 in Berlin, Germany -------------------------------------- = P L E A S E D I S T R I B U T E =
The Berlin Workshop on Internet Economics provides a forum for researchers and pracitioners who are interested in and working o n economic aspects of the Internet. The first workshop took place in October 1997 with world-wide participation by people worki ng on Internet-related topics in industry, universities and government institutions. A selection of workshop papers has been pu blished in various volumes of Netnomics.
For the third workshop we invite submissions of extended abstracts. In particular we encourage recently graduated students to c ontribute with a submission.
Topics of interest for the workshop include but are not limited to: - economics of the Internet infrastructure (e.g., pricing and capacity issues in packet-switched networks, congestion charges, Internet interconnection strategies), - economic issues of content and service provision, - economics and pricing of digital goods, - regulation and taxation of the Internet and electronic commerce, - economics of convergence between Internet and other media, - business strategies for the Internet age, - economic aspects of electronic payment systems, - consequences of the Internet for the "real" economy, - empirical analysis of new data sources (e.g., log files) - microeconomic models for electronic markets (e.g., agents)
Paper presentations are invited for this workshop. Please submit an extended abstract (4-6 pages) *by email as plain text, Post Script or PDF only* including a title, author(s) name(s) and address(es) until March 17, 2000 to the workshop organizer, Thorst en Wichmann (mailto:iew@berlecon.de). If possible, send the abstract as plain text email to facilitate the short review process . The abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee and authors will receive notification of acceptance of their presenta tion by April 3, 2000.
Selected papers of the workshop will be published as a book. All papers will be made available on the Internet.
The programm committe consists of: - Hans Amman, University of Amsterdam - Andreas Bartels, Deutsche Telekom - Dieter Elixmann, WIK - Huub Meijers, MERIT, University of Maastricht - Rudolf M�ller, University of Maastricht - Leo van Hove, Free University of Brussels - Louis Francois Pau, Ericsson, Sweden - Aloys Prinz, University of Mainz - Bj�rn Rupp, Humboldt University Berlin - Hans Schaffers, Telematica Instituut - Thierry Sommer, France Telecom - Burkhard Stiller, ETH Zuerich - Thorsten Wichmann, Berlecon Research
From April 3, 2000 a registration form as well as the program will be made
available on the Internet at the following URL: htt p://www.berlecon.de/iew3 . If you are interested in participating, please send an email to mailto:iew-reminder@berlecon.de . Y ou will then receive a reminder in April.
Summary of Important Dates: 17.3.2000 Submission of Extended Abstracts 3.4.2000 Notification of Acceptance 1.5.2000 Due Date for Full Paper to be included into the Web site 26. - 27. 5. 2000 Workshop in Berlin
The workshop is organized by Berlecon Research. Please direct all enquiries to Thorsten Wichmann at the address below.