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International Symposium on Foundations of Open Source Intelligence and
Security Informatics FOSINT-SI 2013
(see http://fosint-si.cpsc.ucalgary.ca)
Niagara Falls, Canada, August 26--27, 2013
In conjunction with ASONAM 2013 (see http://asonam.cpsc.ucalgary.ca)
Niagara Falls, Canada, August 25--28, 2013
For paper submission: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fosintsi2013
Terrorism and crime threaten the international community and our
society more than ever before. Criminal networks and terrorist groups
that often operate globally try to hide their illegal activities by
using advanced information and communications technology. They
communicate easier and form global communities that are hard to track.
Fortunately, resources like social media, event logs, phone call logs,
web logs, and other time series data, constitute a rich source for
knowledge discovery. There is a serious need for innovative techniques
and tools capable of achieving the ultimate goal of early warning to
help detecting, identifying and neutralizing the source of a threat.
Motivated by this need with high social impact, research related to
open source intelligence and security informatics is gaining momentum
in academia, industry, law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
Developing effective knowledge discovery methods, techniques and tools
to combat crime and terrorism requires coordinated and intensified
collaborations across these communities. The aim of the FOSINT--SI
Symposium is to provide a unique international forum for academic
researchers, government professionals and industrial practitioners to
socialize, share their ideas, and exchange their data, knowledge, and
FOSINT--SI 2013 invites research submissions on all topics related to
the foundations of open source intelligence and security informatics,
including but not limited to those listed below:
*Command and Control
*Consumer and corporate related security politics and behavioral analysis
*Criminology and Terrorism
*Cyber--crime detection and analysis
*Dark Web
*E--commerce and security
*FOSINT Case Studies
*Fraud Detection
*Geographical and temporal analysis of crime patterns and security informatics
*Infrastructural bioterrorism analysis
*Investigative Data Mining
*Media Content Mining
*Multi-agent systems for intelligence in security
*Multilingual data integration and analysis
*Multinational and Global Networks
*News Analysis and Visualization
*News Monitoring
*Online Personalization and Recommendation System
*Online and offline Integration of Intelligence Data
*Privacy and Legal Issues
*Security Intelligence Case Studies
*Social Media Analysis
*Social Network Analysis for Suspect identification
*Structural and Contextual Web Analysis
*Surveillance of public/corporate sentiment
*Visualization of intelligence systems for information sharing
*Web Dynamics
*Web Content Mining
*Web Harvesting
*Web Usage Mining
*Web Structure Mining
Submission Guidelines:
We welcome all submissions reporting original and unpublished research
papers written in English and pertaining to the above topics. Three
categories of submissions will be accepted: full papers up to 8 pages,
short communications up to 4 pages, and abstracts up to 2 pages, all
in IEEE two--columns format. Submissions should include the title,
author(s), affiliation(s), e--mail address(es), tel/fax numbers,
abstract, and postal address(es) on the first page. Papers should be
submitted online using the symposium Online Submission
Paper submission implies one of the authors must register and attend
the symposium to present the paper. Participants in FOSINT--SI 2013
will enjoy free access to the full program of ASONAM 2013 and all the
accompanying symposiums. All papers accepted by FOSINT--SI 2013 will
appear in the proceedings which will be published by IEEE CPS, and
hence all the rules and regulations of IEEE CPS will be applied (as
explained at http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/policies).
Selection Criteria:
Papers will be thoroughly reviews by experts in
the field and will be selected based on their originality, timeliness,
significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Further, authors
should certify that their submissions contain substantially new and
previously unpublished research. Papers will be refereed and appear in
the conference proceedings, which will be published by IEEE Computer
Society. A selection of best papers will be recommended for
publication in special issues of scientific journals, or as an edited
book published by Springer.
Important Dates:
May 15, 2013 Paper submission deadline
June 30, 2013 Acceptance Notification
July 10, 2013 Camera--ready paper due
July 10, 2013 Presenting authors registration due
August 25--28, 2013 Conference events
Honorary Co-Chairs
Kivanç Dinçer HAVELSAN
Patricia L.Brantingham Simon Fraser University
General Co-Chairs
David Skillicorn Queen's University
Triant FlourisHellenic American University
Program Co-Chairs
Daniel Zeng University of Arizona
Uwe Glaesser Simon Fraser University
Zeki Erdem TUBITAK
Publicity Co-Chairs
Orkun Ozturk TOBB University of Economics and Technology
Omar Zaarour University of Calgary
Web Chair
Omar Addam University of Calgary