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Subject: CfP: PhD-Symposium - XP 2003 Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 14:49:53 +0100 From: Paul Gruenbacher pg@sea.uni-linz.ac.at To:
PhD Symposium at the 4th International Conference on eXtreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering - XP2003
26-29 May, 2003, Genoa, Italy
The PhD symposium will provide a forum for doctoral students doing research in the area of XP or other agile methodologies.
In the symposium students will present and discuss their research objectives, methods, and (preliminary) results. The goal is to provide mutual feedback and guidance in completing the dissertation and on future research directions.
The PhD Symposium has the same scope as the main XP 2003 conference.
We encourage doctoral students to present their work at the symposium. Students interested in participating should submit a paper describing their doctoral work to the symposium chair. Only electronic submissions (PDF) will be accepted. Abstracts should not be longer than 1 page in conference format and should
- identify the research question the work is addressing, - explain significant problems and current solutions, - discuss the proposed approach, and - present results achieved so far.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. Please prepare your experience or research paper according to the instructions to authors provided here as PDF or RTF and submit them to the PhD Symposium Chair.
For further questions please contact the PhD Symposium Chair:
Paul Grünbacher Johannes Kepler University Linz E-Mail: gruenbacher@acm.org Phone: +43 70 2468 8867
IMPORTANT DATES: March 1, 2003: Submission deadline March 15, 2003: Notification of acceptance April 5, 2003: Camera-ready abstracts due May 2003: PhD Symposium (date TBA)
FURTHER INFORMATION: Cheap accommodations are available for €12/night at the Youth Hostel in Genova.