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Betreff: [WI] 2nd CfP Methodical Development of Modeling Tools (ModTools15) at EDOC 2015 in Adelaide, Australia - deadline extended
Datum: Sun, 29 Mar 2015 18:45:27 +0200
Von: Jens Gulden <jens.gulden@uni-due.de>
An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de

Call for Papers: Methodical Development of Modeling Tools (ModTools15)

workshop on the 19th IEEE International Enterprise Computing Conference
EDOC 2015, 21-25 Sep 2015, in Adelaide, Australia

2015-04-27  Paper submission (deadline extended)
2015-06-15  Notification to authors
2015-07-04  Camera-ready version

PDF version: 

Possible research questions for submissions are, but are not limited to
- What novel approaches exist to edit and access models on mobile 
devices? How can, e. g., interaction capabilities of touch-screens be 
used for modeling?
- How can distributed modeling scenarios be supported by modeling tools? 
On which architectural principles can distributed modeling tools ground?
- Which role do modeling tools play as end-user interfaces for 
controlling applications (“models at runtime“)?
- Which interaction metaphors and visual means can be offered by 
modeling tools to make models accessible to human modelers?
- How can versioning conflicts during parallel development of modeling 
languages, modeling tools, and existing model instances, be handled?
- Can multi-media capabilities, such as movement and sound, be 
incorporated into modeling tools?

Topics in focus are procedures and architectural principles related to 
the creation of software for presenting, editing, transforming, or 
analyzing models. This covers principles especially related to the use 
of models and modeling languages, for example, the ability to 
automatically derive model editor functionality from formal 
specifications of modeling languages (meta-models, grammars, etc.). In 
addition, design principles and implementation options for modeling 
tools, such as alternative ways to display graphical models, or novel 
user interaction metaphors, are discussed. Intended audience are 
scientists and practitioners, who apply modeling techniques and 
model-driven procedures, and develop their own modeling tools.

Submissions and reviews:
Submissions should be full papers with 8-10 pages. All submissions must 
be made in PDF format and comply with the IEEE Computer Society 
Conference Proceedings Format Guidelines 
(http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting). The papers will 
be refereed by at least 3 members of the workshop program committee. 
Accepted papers will be published along with the EDOC proceedings. The 
proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and be 
made accessible through IEEE Xplore Digital Library. More information 
can be found at http://www.wi-inf.uni-due.de/ModTools15, or please 
directly contact the workshop organizers.

Jens Gulden, University of Duisburg-Essen, jens.gulden@uni-due.de
Jens Henning von Pilgrim, jens.von.pilgrim@numberfour.eu

Program committee:
Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-Essen
Holger Giese, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam
Reinhard von Hanxleden, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Jürgen Jung, DHL Global Forwarding, Bonn
Lutz Kirchner, BOC GmbH, Berlin
Dimitris Kolovos, University of York
Henrik Leopold, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Paul McIntosh, VPAC, Melbourne
Volkmar Pipek, University of Siegen
Matti Rossi, Aalto University, Helsinki
Friedrich Steimann, FernUniversität in Hagen
Stefan Strecker, FernUniversität in Hagen

Dr. Jens Gulden
Information Systems and Enterprise Modeling - Prof. Frank
Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB)
Department of Economic Science
University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen
room R09 R04 H35
tel  [+49|0] 201/183-2719
fax  [+49|0] 201/183-4011
www  http://www.wi-inf.uni-duisburg-essen.de/FGFrank/

Mailing-Liste: wi@lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request@lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi