-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Ich habe bei meiner ersten submission die 40k-Grenze übersehen:
Anbei eine viel kürzere Meldung (in ASCII) mit der Bitte um
gerhard chroust
IDIMT 2010 (http://www.idimt.org)
University of Economics, Prague (Czech Republic) and J. Kepler
of Linz (Austria)
have the pleasure to invite you to submit papers to
the 18th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks
in Jindrichuv Hradec, Czech Republic September 8th - 10th, 2010
In the 17 years of its history IDIMT conference have established
as a truly interdisciplinary and international forum for the exchange
concepts and visions in the area of complex and/or software intensive
systems, management and engineering of information and knowledge,
systemic thinking, business engineering, and related topics. The
increasing pervasiveness of systems and the related importance of
information as a vital resource requires the consideration of
in an interdisciplinary and holistic cooperation of various
such as systems engineering, electronics, management techniques,
sociology, business, and education.
IDIMT involves a multi-national, multidisciplinary audience in
up-to- date and evolving topics and issues.
The conference follows the well-established pattern of a single stream
sessions, each introduced by a keynote and followed by shorter
papers, their full text being included in the proceedings. At least
minutes are set aside at each session for a plenary discussion.
Draft versions of keynote papers will be available on the conference
site (www.idimt.org) by end of March 2010 to enable participants to
formulate their position papers. Submitted draft papers are reviewed
at least two independent reviewers. Final acceptance is subject to
fulfilling the reviewer's suggestions and demands.
The proceedings (available at the start of conference) are published
the Series "Informatik" of the "Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner,
Austria" with an Austrian ISBN-number and included in the Conference
Proceedings Citation Index - ISI Web of Knowledge. The best papers
be also published in the Systems Integration Journal.
IDIMT 2010 - Organizers
General Chair: Petr Doucek, CZ - doucek@vse.cz
Program Chair: Gerhard Chroust, AT - gerhard.chroust@jku.at
Organization Chair: Lea Nedomova, CZ - nedomova@vse.cz
Web and PR: Antonin Pavlicek, CZ - antonin.pavlicek@vse.cz
Contributions Organizer: Vaclav Oskrdal, CZ - vaclav.oskrdal@vse.cz
Planned Sessions
Session A: Innovation Potential of ICT in the Crisis Keynote speaker:
Josef Basl - <basl@vse.cz>
Session B: Human Resources in ICT Keynote speaker: Petr Doucek -
Session C: Dependable Systems and Infrastructure Protection Session
Chairperson: Gerhard Chroust - <gerhard.chroust@jku.at> Keynote
Erwin Schoitsch - <erwin.schoitsch@ait.ac.at>
Session D: Factors of Regional Development in the Context of
Globalization and International Integration Keynote speaker: Marzena
Trybull-Piotrowska - <m.trybull@aon.edu.pl>
Session E: Competitiveness of Tertiary Sector Keynote speaker: Jakub
Fischer - <fischerj@vse.cz>
Session F: Values, Culture, Ethics and Norms as Information Leading
Requisite Holism/Wholeness Keynote speaker: Matjzaz Mulej -
Session G: Computer Support of Cooperative Work Keynote speaker: Tom
Gross - <tom.gross@medien.uni-weimar.de>
Submission of Papers
Contact person for contributions Submit abstracts, final papers,
keynotes, to Vaclav Oskrdal (vaclav.oskrdal@vse.cz)
Contact person for web and public relations Antonin Pavlicek
For more details see http://www.idimt.org
!!! Please use only my new e-mail address (Gerhard.Chroust@jku.at), my
old one will go out of use some time in the future!!!
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Chroust
J. Kepler University Linz
c/o Donaustr. 101/6,
A-2346 Maria Enzersdorf, Austria
+43 664 28 29 978