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Call For Articles:
Special Issue of the Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning
eLearning and Linked Open Data
Guest Editors:
Salvador Sanchez-Alonso and Enayat Rajabi
Information Engineering research unit
University of Alcalá, Spain
{salvador.sanchez, enayat.rajabi}@uah.es
With the proliferation of e-learning resources on the Web, exposing, and
sharing educational resources in digital form has become an important issue.
Many of these resources are implicitly related to each other or to the
interest, cultural and technical environment of learners. Connecting
different kinds of learning objects promotes a new scenario where currently
isolated data repositories would progress towards an open discovery space
including resources independent of their geographic and system boundaries.
Finding links is also very useful for enriching educational materials and
provides the added benefit of giving access to richer contents to both
educators and learners.
The Linked Data approach, as a de facto standard for interlinking data on
the Web, includes a set of successful principles which facilitate sharing
and reusing data on the Web and lead to vast amounts of publicly available
datasets. Using Linked Data, the repository owners can publish structured
data and establish typed links among them from various sources. This
approach enables enriching existing resources, enhances casual discovery,
and improves resource discovery. However, applying the Linked Data in
eLearning contexts needs more research attention and many aspects remain
largely unexplored.
This special issue discusses how the Linked Data approach can be applied for
sharing, reusing and enriching the eLearning resources on the Web and what
advantages it can bring to the eLearning stakeholders.
The Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology publishes
articles, project reports, and case studies which may be of interest to
academics, researchers, and professionals involved in the field of existing
and emerging learning technologies.
This special issue will be published in Volume 16, No 4 (October, 2014).
Submission procedure
Articles, case studies and project reports can be submitted to this
special issue. Manuscripts are limited to 4 pages. Use the IEEE template for
preparing your manuscript and follow the IEEE guidelines. The IEEE template
is available online at: http://www.ieeetclt.org/content/authors-guidelines
manuscripts should be either in Word or in RTF format, with any figures
embedded in the text at appropriate places. In addition, figures used in the
contributions should be provided in separate graphics files (gif, bmp, or
jpeg files).
Please send the manuscripts and all relevant material by email as an
attachment to salvador.sanchez@uah.es and enayat.rajabi@uah.es (Please user
subject line: IEEE-TCLT Bulletin Submission).
In the email, please state clearly that the manuscript is original
material that has not been published, and is not being considered for
publication elsewhere.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of articles: October 31, 2014.
Notification of review results: November 15, 2014.
Mailing-Liste: wi@lists.kit.edu
Administrator: wi-request@lists.kit.edu
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi