Workshop held in conjunction with the ECAI 2002 conference
======================================= Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for Ontology Engineering =======================================
Lyon (France), July 22-23 2002 _______________________________________
Registration is open on-line on the ECAI Web site
Participants to the workshop are invited to send a one page motivation abstract to This abstract will present some of their research related to the WS topics and propose questions to be debated.
Workshop PROGRAM _______________________________________
MONDAY July 22nd
Invited speaker Bruno Bachimont (INA and UTC, France)
From texts to conceptual structures: the gaps between texts, semantic
descriptions and conceptual structures
SESSION 1, terminology and ontology How far Association Rules and Statistical Indices help Structure Terminology? Hacène Cherfi, Yannick Toussaint, LORIA (Nancy, France)
Terminology Extraction from Text to Build an Ontology in Surgical Intensive Care Sophie Le Moigno, Jean Charlet, Didier Bourigault, Patrice Degoulet, Marie-Christine Jaulent, AP-HP et INSERM (Paris, France) et ERSS (Toulouse, France)
TUESDAY July, 23rd
invited speaker
SESSION 2, learning semantic classes Mapping Syntactic Dependencies onto Semantic Relations Pablo Gamallo, Marco Gonzalez, Alexandre Agustini, Gabriel Lopes, Vera S. de Lima, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and PUCRS (Brazil)
A Galois Lattice based Approach to Lexical Inheritance Hierarchy Learning Caroline Sporleder, Univ. Edinburgh (U.K.)
Ontology and Lexicon Evolution by Text Understanding Udo Hahn, Kornél G. Marko, TKE (Freiburg, Germany)
SESSION 3, learning semantic relations from patterns Automatic Acquisition of Hyponyms and Meronyms from Question Corpora, Häkan Sundblad, Dept. of Computer Science (Linköping, Sweden)
Information Extraction and Ontology Learning Guided by Web Directory Martin Kavalec, Vojtèch Svàtek, DIKE, University of Economics (Prague, Czech Republic)
SESSION 4, ontology enrichment and evolution Combining Disambiguation Techniques to Enrich an Ontology Mark Stevenson, Reuters Ltd. (London, U.K.)
A Differential Approach for Knowledge Management Bernard Rothenburger, IRIT (Toulouse, France)
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