-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: PAPER SUBMISSION IS OPEN: 14th IEEE International Conference on Application of ICT (AICT2020) | October 7-9 | Tashkent, Uzbekistan Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 15:04:04 -0600 (CST) From: IEEE eNotice ieee-enotice@deliver.ieee.org Reply-To: aict@aict.info To: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
IEEE Master email
[ this year is devoted to the scientific heritage of al-Khwarizmi ]
----------------------------------------------- ABOUT AICT2020 -----------------------------------------------
Dear IEEE Member,
On behalf of the Organizing and Steering Committees, we welcome you to submit your original research paper(s) to the 14th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT2020) to be held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan from 7th to 9th of October 2020. Researchers, practitioners and distinguished speakers are invited to submit the original research papers and to make proposals of speeches addressing technical issues, challenges, best practices and technological solutions. All papers/proposals will be peer-reviewed by the Technical Program Committee.
The AICT2020 is devoted to Scientific Heritage of Al-Khwarizmi, who we owe for the words Algorithm and Algebra. Al-Khwarizmi was born in 780 in Khiva, Khwarezm region of modern Uzbekistan.
THE 2ND SCIENTIFIC PILGRIMAGE: -----------------------------------------------
After 40 years of the first Scientific Pilgrimage to the birthplace of al-Khwarizmi organized by Profs. Donald E. Knuth and Andrey P. Ershov in 1979, we plan to organize in the framework of the AICT2020 the 2nd Scientific Pilgrimage to celebrate the 1,200 years of al-Khwarizmii becoming the head of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad (scientific research and teaching center). Every computer scientist to whom the word "Algorithm" makes great sense is welcome to join us during this Scientific Pilgrimage that will be complemented with a Summer School and Workshop titled "From al-Khwarismi to Machine Learning" for local university students and conference participants in Khiva/Urgench on 05-06 October, 2020.
----------------------------------------------- SUBMIT YOUR PAPER: -----------------------------------------------
Please, submit your paper through website: http://www.aict.info
----------------------------------------------- AICT2020 ORGANIZERS: -----------------------------------------------
- ADA University - Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi (TUIT) - IEEE Azerbaijan Section Jt Chapter,COM19/C16
----------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES: -----------------------------------------------
- Conference date: October 07-09, 2020 - Paper Submission Deadline: May 31, 2020 - Notification of Acceptance: June 20, 2020 - Camera Ready Version Due: July 20, 2020
----------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE TRACKS: -----------------------------------------------
The AICT2020 conference scope includes following tracks (more details on tracks/topics are available at http://www.aict.info/?csc=2020&mod=topics):
- Algorithms (Special Track/Session) - Data Science and Advanced Analytics - Big Data Engineering - High Performance Computing - Machine Learning and other AI Techniques - Software Engineering - Cyber Security and Practice - Emerging Trends and Technologies in ICT Application - Communication, Network and Hardware - ICT in Business Administration, Governance, Finance and Economy - ICT in Education and Research - ICT in Medicine and Health Care
----------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE VENUE: -----------------------------------------------
Join AICT2020 combining science with leisure in Tashkent with uniquely attractive urban atmosphere and its great combination of ancient history and 21st century style. Uzbekistan is located in the heart of Central Asia, between two large rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya. History of nations, living on this territory, is more than thousand years. This land became the motherland of civilization, which is perhaps one of the most ancient in the world.
Opening Ceremony, Keynote, Tutorial Sessions, Technical Sessions and Closing Ceremony will take place at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi (TUIT) in October 07-09 October, 2020. The AICT2020 conference will arrange several tours to the most exciting places of capital city Tashkent. Pre-conference Workshop and Summer School titled "From al-Khwarismi to Machine Learning" will be held on 5-6 October 2020 in city Khiva (birthplace of al-Khwarismi). A more detailed conference agenda will be announced later on website.
----------------------------------------------- MORE INFORMATION: -----------------------------------------------
For more detailed information about the 14th IEEE AICT2020 International Conference, please visit the official website: http://www.aict.info
----------------------------------------------- CALL for PAPER and PRESS RELEASE: -----------------------------------------------
Call for Paper EN [TEXT]: http://www.aict.info/2020/info/AICT2020-Call-4-Paper-TXT-EN.txt Call for Paper EN [HTML]: http://www.aict.info/?csc=2020&mod=call4paper Call for Paper EN [PDF]: http://www.aict.info/2020/info/aict2020-callforpaper-flyer.pdf Press Release EN [PDF]: http://www.aict.info/2020/info/AICT2020-Press-Release-EN.pdf
----------------------------------------------- CONTACT: -----------------------------------------------
Secretariat of AICT2020 Organizing Committee Tel: +998 (71) 238 6415, +994 (12) 437 3235 E-mail: aict@aict.info Website: http://www.aict.info/2020, Address: Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Amir Temur street, 108, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100084
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