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********** WORKS 2018 Workshop **********
Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science Workshop
Sunday 11 November 2018, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Dallas, Texas, USA.
Room D173, Lower Lobby D.
Held in conjunction with SC18,
Call For Participation
The program of the 13th Workflows in Support of Large-Scale
Science (WORKS) Workshop is now available
9:00-9:10 Welcome, Sandra Gesing and Rafael Ferreira da Silva
9:10-10:00 Ilkay Altintas (invited keynote talk)
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
Session "Scheduling and Resource Allocation"
10:30-10:55 Reduction of Workflow Resource Consumption Using a
Density-based Clustering Model
Qimin Zhang, Nathaniel Kremer-Herman, Benjamin Tovar, Douglas
10:55-11:20 Flux: Overcoming Scheduling Challenges for Exascale
Dong H. Ahn, Ned Bass, Albert ChuJim Garlick, Mark Grondona,
Stephen Herbein, Joseph Koning, Tapasya Patki, Thomas R. W.
Scogland, Becky Springmeyer, Michela Taufer
11:20-11:45 LOS: Level Order Sampling for Task Graph Scheduling on
Heterogeneous Resources
Carl Witt, Sam Wheating, Ulf Leser
11:45-11:55 Energy-Aware Workflow Scheduling and Optimization in
Clouds using Bat Algorithm
Yi Gu, Chandu Budati
Session: "Provenance and Enhanced Monitoring"
11:55-12:20 A Practical Roadmap for Provenance Capture and Data
Analysis in Spark-based Scientific Workflows
Thaylon Guedes, Vitor Silva, Marta Mattoso, Marcos Bedo, Daniel
12:20-12:30 End-to-End Online Performance Data Capture and
Analysis for Scientific Workflows
George Papadimitriou, Cong Wang, Karan Vahi, Rafael Ferreira da
Silva, Anirban Mandal, Zhengchun Liu, Rajiv Mayani, Mats Rynge,
Mariam Kiran, Vickie E. Lynch, Rajkumar Kettimuthu, Ewa Deelman,
Jeffrey S. Vetter, Ian T. Foster
12:30-14:00 Lunch
Session: "Heterogeneous Architectures"
14:00-14:25 Planner: Cost-efficient Execution Plans Placement for
Uniform Stream Analytics on Edge and Cloud
Laurent Prosperi, Alexandru Costan, Pedro Silva, Gabriel Antoniu
14:25-14:50 Dynamic Distributed Orchestration of Node-RED IOT
Workflows Using a Vector Symbolic Architecture
Christopher Simpkin, Ian J. Taylor, Daniel Harborne, Graham Bent,
Alun Preece, Raghu K. Ganti
14:50-15:00 Optimizing the Throughput of Storm-based Stream
Processing in Clouds
Huiyan Cao, Chase Q. Wu, Liang Bao, Aiqin Hou
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
Session: "Workflow Tools and Support Environment"
15:30-15:55 DagOn*: Executing direct acyclic graphs as parallel
jobs on anything
Raffaele Montella, Diana Di Luccio, Sokol Kosta
15:55-16:20 WRENCH: A Framework for Simulating Workflow Management
Henri Casanova, Suraj Pandey, James Oeth, Ryan Tanaka, Frédéric
Suter, Rafael Ferreira da Silva
16:20-17:30 Panel "The Future of Scientific Workflows: Challenges
and Opportunities"
(panelists will be announced soon)
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Hosted by Sardina Systems: FishOS: AI-powered OpenStack