-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: First International Workshop on Securing Services on the Cloud (IWSSC 2011)
Datum: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 14:52:06 +0200
Von: Fulvio Frati <fulvio.frati@unimi.it>
Organisation: "ICCSA"
An: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science@lists.iccsa.org>

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message]






Held in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Network and 

System Security (NSS 2011)

September 6-8, 2011, Milan, Italy - http://sesar.dti.unimi.it/iwssc2011



The ongoing merge between Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) and 

the Cloud computation paradigm provides a new environment fostering 

the integration of services located within company boundaries with

those on the Cloud. An increasing number of organizations implement 

their business processes and applications via runtime composition of 

services made available on the Cloud by external suppliers. This 

scenario is changing the traditional view of security introducing 

new service security risks and threats, and requires re-thinking of 

current development, testing, and verification methodologies. 

IWSSC 2011 aims to address the security issues related to the 

deployment of services on the Cloud, along with evaluating their 

impact on traditional security solutions for software and network 



The workshop seeks submissions from academia and industry presenting 

novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of security 

of services implemented on the Cloud, as well as experimental studies 

in Cloud infrastructures, the implementation of services, and lessons 

learned. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:  


* Security in Cloud services 

* Software verification in critical services

* Static code analysis of software services

* Test-based verification of services

* Authentication and access control on the Cloud

* Challenges in moving critical systems to the Cloud

* Cybercrime and cyberterrorism on the Cloud

* Communication confidentiality and integrity

* Data security and privacy on the Cloud

* Formal methods for the Cloud

* Homeland security

* Information assurance and trust management 

* Intrusion detection on the Cloud

* Model-based validation of services

* Orchestration and choreography

* RESTful service security

* SOAP security

* Security certification of services

* Security metrics on the Cloud

* Security models and architectures

* Security patterns for the Cloud

* Security protocols on the Cloud



Paper submission due: June 1, 2011 (midnight Samoa time)

Notification to authors: July 11, 2011 

Camera-ready due: July 21, 2011



Submissions must not substantially overlap papers that have been 

published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or 

conference/workshop with proceedings. Each submission should be at 

most 8 pages in total including bibliography and well-marked 

appendices, and should follow the IEEE 8.5" x 11" Two-Column Format.

The final version of the accepted papers must follow the IEEE 

guidelines available at 


Submissions are to be made to the submission web site 


Only pdf files will be accepted. Submissions not meeting these 

guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits. 


Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be 

presented at the workshop. At least one author of each accepted 

paper is required to register with the main conference and present 

the paper. Accepted papers at the workshops will be published in 

the conference proceedings and in the IEEE digital library.




General Chair (NSS General Chair)

* Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Program Chairs

* Claudio A. Ardagna, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy

* Ernesto Damiani, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy


Publicity Chair

* Fulvio Frati, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy


Publication Chair

* Giovanni Livraga, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Program Committee

* Marco Aimar, Opera21, Italy

* Marco Anisetti, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy

* Luis Soares Barbosa, Universidade do Minho, Portugal

* Michele Bezzi, SAP, France

* Simona Brugnoni, Telecom Italia, Italy

* Marco Casassa Mont, HP Labs, UK

* Richard Chbeir, Universite de Bourgogne, France

* Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, Telecom Bretagne, France

* Sergio Di Martino, Universita' di Napoli Federico II, Italy

* Tharam Dillon, Curtin University of Technology, Australia

* Eduardo Fernandez, Florida Atlantic University, USA

* Nils Gruschka, NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany

* Sigi Guergens, Fraunhofer SIT, Germany

* Paul Hofmann, SAP Labs - Palo Alto, USA

* Hejiao Huang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

* Renato Iannella, Semantic Identity, Australia

* Meiko Jensen, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany 

* Michiharu Kudo, IBM Japan, Japan

* Giovanni Livraga, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy

* Luigi Lo Iacono, European University of Applied Sciences, Germany

* Antonio Mana, Universidad de Malaga, Spain

* Renato Menicocci, Fondanzione Ugo Bordoni, Italy

* Domenico Presenza, Engineering, Italy

* Jorg Schwenk, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany 

* George Spanoudakis, City University of London, UK

* Yanjiang Yang, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore


IWSSC is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Systems Council 



This call for papers and additional information about the conference 

can be found at http://sesar.dti.unimi.it/iwssc2011

Program chairs can be contacted at iwssc2011@unimi.it