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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - Workshop on Implementation of Digital Health solutions 2020 (WImDiH)
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2020 12:21:57 +0000
From: Hannes Schlieter <hannes.schlieter@tu-dresden.de>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

Call for Papers - Workshop on Implementation of Digital Health solutions 2020 (WImDiH)

*** Important Information ***

- Abstract submission: 1st of July 2020
- Please submit all abstracts to workshop@care4saxony.de
- Notification of acceptance: 20th of July 2020
- Event: The workshop will be held as webinar on 11th of August 2020
- Full paper submission: Authors of accepted abstracts will be given the opportunity to extend their
abstract into a full paper for the Journal of Public Health (Springer) and submit it until 12th of September 2020 (see information below)

*** Scope ***

Healthcare delivery experiences a rapid change from traditional care processes towards the use of
digital health interventions and personalized medicine facilitated by them. Hospitals and health care
providers adopt information systems, electronic health records and telemedicine solutions for more
efficient workflows and care delivery both within and beyond institutions. Patients nowadays can
choose from a wide range of digital health applications such as wearables and mobile phone
applications supporting their self-management, health and well-being.
However, barriers are still impeding a large-scale, sustainable implementation of these digital health
innovations. This issue persists regardless of whether such innovations relate to individual patients or
health care professionals in their working environment (micro level), their respective wider societal
structure (meso level), the regulatory or financial framework of the health care system (macro level)
or the technology to be implemented.
Our workshop seeks for submissions presenting strategies for the successful implementation of digital
health solutions while considering barriers on one or more of these levels. We welcome abstracts
about research projects, practical findings, implementation evaluation results, and strategies you
employed to overcome implementation barriers in your daily work. Please elaborate how you
developed your particular implementation strategy and what the next steps to full-scale
implementation will be.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Telemedicine
- Telehealth
- eHealth
- Digital health
- Digitally supported care models
- Health Information Systems
- Electronic Health Records
- Digital Health at home – ambient assisted living solutions

*** Formal Requirements ***
The abstract submitted should be no longer than one A4-page. Accepted abstracts will be presented at
the workshop as basis for joint discussion on how to successfully overcome different barriers. Upon
participating in the workshop, each presenter has the option to have a full-text version of her/his
abstract published in a special Issue of the Journal of Public Health (Springer). All contributions will
then be subject to a double-blind review.
For further information regarding the workshop and subsequent publication opportunities, please
contact us via workshop@care4saxony.de<mailto:workshop@care4saxony.de>.

*** Co-Chairs ***

Peggy Richter
Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Business and Economics, Germany
Brief Bio: Peggy Richter graduated at the TU Dresden with a master’s degree in
Information Systems Research (Wirtschaftsinformatik) in 2013. She is research
associate in the Digital Health group “Helict” at the Chair of Wirtschaftsinformatik, esp. Systems
Development at TU Dresden. Currently, she is a member of the ESF-funded junior research group
Care4Saxony and working in the European Joint Action iPAAC (Innovative Partnership for Action
Against Cancer). Her research interests include application and theories on conceptual modeling,
patient pathway modeling and digital solutions to support patient-centered, integrated care
implementation, as well as process-based quality management.

Lorenz Harst
Technische Universität Dresden, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, Germany
Brief Bio: Lorenz Harst graduated from TU Dresden with a master’s degree in
Applied Media Science in 2016. He is a research associate at the Research
Association Public Health at the Center for Evidence-based Healthcare at the University Clinic and
Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus and also heads the clinic’s task force for the national network of
University Clinics for COVID-19. His research interests includ , user-centered development,
implementation and evaluation of digital healthcare solutions, especially for targeted health
communication strategies.

*** Workshop Program Committee ***
Alexander Gleiß, University of Potsdam, Germany
Lena Otto, TU Dresden, Germany
Lua Perimal-Lewis, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
Hannes Schlieter, TU Dresden, Germany
Patrick Timpel, TU Dresden, Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus, Germany
Bastian Wollschlaeger, TU Dresden, Germany

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