-------- Original Message --------
Call for Papers and Participation
K S C O 2 0 1 2
Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations
Pensacola, FL USA - February 15th - 17th, 2012
KSCO - Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations is an international
working group exploring research in Knowledge-based Systems and
Information Management, with a focus on the challenges of Coalition
Operations. KSCO regularly organizes a technical conference where
practitioners and key decision makers in coalition operations management
meet and discuss with researchers from areas of knowledge-based systems,
information management, planning, and multi-agent systems, exchange
experience and ideas, share inspiration, and suggest novel concepts.
It can also lead to joint project proposals.
After successful events in Edinburgh, UK, Toulouse, France, Prague,
Czech Republic, Waltham, MA, USA, Southampton, UK, and Vancouver, Canada,
the next KSCO event is to be held at the Florida Institute for Human &
Machine Cognition (IHMC) in Pensacola, FL.
Topic Areas
KSCO 2012 will focus on the following key areas:
* Coalition Information Sharing
(Led by Clifford Young and Guenther Kress,
California State University San Bernardino, US)
* Data to Decision
(Led by Ray McGowan, U.S. Army CERDEC, US)
* Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Recovery
(Led by John James, USMA, West Point, US)
* Command Information Interfaces
(Led by Liz Bowman, ARL, US)
* Information Management
(Led by Justin Henley, DSTL, UK)
* Planning and Scheduling
(Led by Adel Guitoni, DRDC Canada)
* Coordination and Collaboration
* Cultural Influences
(Led by Cheryl Giammanco, ARL, US - To be Confirmed)
Submission Process
KSCO 2012 will use a two-step paper submission process. Authors should
submit either full-length (10 pages) or position papers (4 pages) by
December 23rd, 2011 to be able to participate in the conference. This
year, there will be a special issue in the IEEE Intelligent Systems
Journal (anticipated special issue publication date is January 2013).
A subset of conference papers, as well as other solicited papers, will
be selected for full referring for the special issue. Details will be
announced at the conference.
Please submit papers in Microsoft Word or PDF format either to Jamie
Lawton (James.Lawton@london.af.mil) or to one of the topic area leads.
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: December 23rd, 2011
Author Notification: January 15th, 2012
Conference: February 15th - 17th, 2012
General Chair
Jitu Patel, DSTL, UK <jmpatel@dstl.gov.uk>
Program Chair
James Lawton, AFRL/EOARD, USA <James.Lawton@london.af.mil>
Local Conference Chairs
Niranjan Suri, IHMC and U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, IHMC
Other Organizing Committee Members
Paul Losiewicz, ONR Global
Michal Pechoucek, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech-Republic
Austin Tate, AIAI, The University of Edinburgh, UK
Adel Guitouni, DRDC, Canada
Don Sofge, NRL, US
Justin Henley, DSTL, UK
Liz Bowman, ARL, US