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Betreff: [AISWorld] Next-Generation Mobile and Pervasive Healthcare Solutions IGI Book - CFC
Datum: Sat, 11 Jun 2016 22:59:44 +0100
Von: Filipe Portela <cfp@dsi.uminho.pt>
Organisation: UM
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org


Call for Chapters: Next-Generation Mobile and Pervasive Healthcare Solutions



Call for Chapters

   Proposals Submission Deadline: June 15, 2016
   Full Chapters Due: October 15, 2016
   Submission Date: March 30, 2017


   According to Varshney (U. Varshney, 2009) Pervasive HealthCare (PH) can
   be defined as "conceptual system of providing healthcare to anyone, at
   any time, and anywhere by removing restraints of time and location
   while increasing both the coverage and the quality of healthcare". This
   approach is based on information that is stored and available online
   (Mikkonen, Vyrynen, Ikonen, & Heikkila, 2002). However, although the PH
   has the potential to reduce costs, improve service quality and
   facilitate the treatment to the patient, it also faces many technical
   and administrative obstacles (Upkar Varshney, 2003), such as resistance
   to change and significant changes in technology and systems.
   Mobile Health (mHealth) is the practice of medicine and public health
   supported by mobile devices. It is referenced by the use of mobile
   communication devices, such as mobile phones, tablet computers or
   patient monitors, for health services and information. mHealth
   generally covers the use of mobile telecommunication and multimedia
   technologies as they are integrated within increasingly wireless and
   mobile health care delivery systems being them the main support of
   pervasive healthcare.
   The book topics may be addressed from multiple angles having as main
   focus the Next-Generation Mobile and Pervasive Healthcare Solutions.
   Accordingly, it will be of relevance to both practitioners and
   researchers from various disciplines including, but not limited to,
   Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Information Systems,
   Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Medicine, Biomedical Engineering,
   Multimedia, and Decision Support Systems.


   The main goal of this book is moving theory into practice by linking
   academic and informatics researchers with health care professionals
   disseminating and exchanging knowledge, information and technology
   provided by the international medical and health informatics
   communities throughout the 21st century.
   This book will present important achievements in a full range of health
   delivery settings, providing decision support anywhere and anytime to
   acute and long term health care taking as based pervasive or mobile
   The mission of this book is promoting the cross-fertilization of health
   informatics information and knowledge across professional and
   geographical boundaries, serving as the catalyst for ubiquitous
   worldwide health information infrastructures for patient care and
   health research.

Target Audience

   Scientifically this book intends to disseminate a set of new knowledge
   useful to promote health care quality in the patient best interest by
   presenting new multimedia solutions able to support the decision making
   anywhere and anytime.
   It is expected that this book can induce a strong impact in the health
   care institutions bringing a set of new and innovative solutions to the
   This book explores a new information concept where the technologies are
   omnipresent and the data appear anywhere and anytime promoting a full
   interaction between the physicians, nurses, patients and information
   The target audience of this book will be composed of professionals and
   researchers working in the field of healthcare and information systems.
   Moreover, the book will provide insights and decision support knowledge
   achieved with the development of mobile and pervasive healthcare

Recommended Topics

   Innovative and exciting works are welcome in the Healthcare area:
   o Applied Pervasive Information Systems;
   o Applied Mobile System;
   o Artificial Intelligence;
   o Big Data
   o Biomedical Engineering;
   o Clinical Business Intelligence;
   o Clinical Decision Support Systems;
   o Computer Vision;
   o Data analysis and Data Science;
   o Data and Knowledge Engineering;
   o Data Mining and Ubiquitous Data Mining;
   o Data Security and Protection;
   o Electronic Health Records (EHR);
   o Information Systems Integration & Interoperability;
   o Interoperability and Pervasiveness;
   o Interoperability scenarios and case studies;
   o Life-styling pervasive solutions;
   o Medical Ontologies;
   o mHealth;
   o Mobile and ubiquitous solutions;
   o Pervasive Business Intelligence;
   o Pervasive environments and software architectures;
   o Pervasive Intelligent Decision Support Systems;
   o Pervasive Intelligent Systems and applications;
   o Pervasive Systems Based on Cloud Computing;
   o Pervasiveness and Security in Information Systems;
   o Recommendation Systems;
   o Semantic Interoperability;
   o Semantic Mapping of Clinical Data;
   o Sensor-based systems;
   o Simulation Systems;
   o Ubiquitous devices in the storage, update, and transmission of data;
   o Usability and acceptability of pervasive system and mobile

Submission Procedure

   Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before June
   15, 2016, a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining
   the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors will
   be notified byJune 30, 20166 about the status of their proposals and
   sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted
   by October 15, 2016, and all interested authors must consult the
   guidelines for manuscript submissions at
   rite/ prior to submission. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a
   double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve
   as reviewers for this project.
   Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts
   submitted to this book publication, Trust in Knowledge Management and
   Systems in Organizations. All manuscripts are accepted based on a
   double-blind peer review editorial process.
   All proposals should be submitted through the E-Editorial DiscoveryTM
   online submission manager at [3]http://www.igi-global.com/submission/.


   This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea
   Group Inc.), publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly
   Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference,"
   "Business Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference"
   imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please
   visit [4]www.igi-global.com. This publication is anticipated to be
   released in 2017.

Important Dates

   June 15, 2016: Proposal Submission Deadline
   June 30, 2016: Notification of Acceptance
   October 15, 2016: Full Chapter Submission
   December 30, 2016: Review Results Returned
   February 28, 2017: Final Acceptance Notification
   March 30, 2017: Final Chapter Submission


   Jose Machado, Antonio Abelha, Manuel Filipe Santos, and Filipe Portela
   (University of Minho)


   Jose Machado, University of Minho
   Filipe Portela, University of Minho
   [7]Propose a chapter for this book


   Visible links
   1. http://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/2208
   2. http://www.igi-global.com/publish/contributor-resources/before-you-write/
   3. http://www.igi-global.com/submission/
   4. http://www.igi-global.com/
   5. mailto:jmac@di.uminho.pt
   6. mailto:cfp@dsi.uminho.pt
   7. http://www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/submit/2208

   Hidden links:
   8. http://www.igi-global.com/publish/contributor-resources/before-you-write/
   9. http://www.igi-global.com/submission/
  10. callto://351967562540/
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