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Subject: EDEN Research Workshop October: Programme News, Call Open!
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 16:03:00 +0000
From: European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) <eden@eden-online.org>
Reply-To: European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) <eden@eden-online.org>
To: neumann@wu-wien.ac.at

EDEN Research Workshop October: Programme News, Call Open!

EDEN 2020 Online Research Workshop
Submissions are still welcome!
Registration Open




Dear EDEN Members, Partners, and Friends,

One month from now we can again share the experience of virtual professional togetherness at the 11th EDEN Research Workshop!
Submissions are still welcome, you can register for the completely online event, hosted by LE@DUniversidade Aberta (UAb) Lisbon by clicking HERE.

EDEN continues recognizing quality and excellence:
The Eden Senior Fellow and Fellow Awards  will be presented in the evening of of 21st.
The Best Research Paper Award with the support of the Ulrich Bernath Foundation will be presented at the conference.
The Foundation will also provide Young Scholars’ Grants for the event.
The Best Research in Progress paper is sponsored by the Universidade Aberta. 

The online Research Workhop will be organised based on the sucessful experiences with the EDEN 2020 Annual Virtual Conference, including the PhD Symposium in June and our spring 'Education in time of a pandemic' webinar series which we resumed from 14 September under the title 'Education in time of a new normal'

"Enhancing the Human Experience of Learning with Technology: New Challenges for Research in Digital, Open, Distance & Networked Education"

Programme and Oxford-style debate

The Research Workshop programme includes plenaries, parallel sessions with paper presentations, workshops and moderated poster sessions. One of the highlights will be the Oxford-style debate on the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on research in open, distance and online learning in a networked society.
The debate is a format based on a predetermined statement – also called a “motion” – from two opposing perspectives.

Speakers of the Oxford-style debate

Alan Tait

Chair of the debate
Professor Emeritus of Distance Education and Development, Open University, UK


Mar Pérez-Sanagustín

PhD in Technology Enhanced Learning
Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse III, France

Cristina Costa

Assistant Professor, School of Education, Durham University, UK


Keynote Speakers of the Research Workshop

Tony Bates

Research Associate, Contact North | Contact Nord, Canada


Maha Bali

Associate Professor of Practice Center for Learning and Teaching, American University, Cairo


Inés Gil Jaurena

Professor at UNED, Madrid Area, Spain


Ellen Helsper

Professor of Digital Inequalities, London School of Economics, UK


Terry Anderson

Professor Emeritus of Distance Education, 
Athabasca University, Canada


António Sampaio da Nóvoa

Portuguese Ambassador to the UNESCO
Former Rector of the University of Lisbon


Call for Contributions

Contributions are invited which resulted from own research, project achievements, case studies, theoretic and conceptual work on the conference theme and tracks and the creative use of educational technology. Networking and interactivity, sharing and discussion will be core aspects of the conference, focusing on what you can learn from and with your peers.

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Important Dates and Deadlines

Submission Deadline 25 September 2020
Notification of Authors October 2020
Conference dates 21-23 October 2020

EDEN 2020 PhD Symposium

The EDEN 2020 PhD Symposium Lisbon will be organised on 21 October. The Symposium, held in previous years in Barcelona, BrugesDublin and online has been designed to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge among doctoral students doing research in the area of technology-enhanced online, digital, open and distance learning, providing a valuable forum for the advancement of doctoral research. The Symposium is led by a panel of international experts. More information about EDEN PhD Symposium is here.

Young Scholars' Grants

The Ulrich Bernath Foundation for Research in Open and Distance Learning will support young scholars or teams of them with a grant of 600 Euros for successfully submitting a research paper to be presented at the Research Workshop. Eligible for the Young Scholars' Grants are degree-programme and doctoral students, who submit papers that are originated for the Research Workshop and will be presented by young scholar(s). For details click here


Accepted presentations will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Registered delegates will have electronic access to the full version of contributions. Publications will be openly accessible after the Workshop. Selected authors will be invited to submit to a special issue of EURODL. The best poster submissions will be published as short papers in RE@D, a journal edited by LE@D and Universidade Aberta. Awarded and accepted papers can be submitted to the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, a Web of Science (SSCI) and Scopus indexed journal edited by UOC, Universidad de Los Andes (Colòmbia), Dublin City University (Ireland) and Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), and published by SpringerOpen.

Lisbon, Portugal

The conference is hosted by LE@DUniversidade Aberta (UAb) Lisbon, Portugal




Conference website: https://www.eden-online.org/2020_lisbon/

Inquiries in relation to the conference should be sent to lisbon2020@eden-online.org

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