-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Call for Papers - I3E 2010
Datum: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 13:33:07 +0000 (GMT)
Von: i3e2010@kti.ue.poznan.pl
Antwort an: i3e2010@kti.ue.poznan.pl
An: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at

    We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.

The 10th International IFIP conference on
e-Commerce, e-Business, and e-Services (I3E 2010)
Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 3-5, 2010

Submission deadline: May 14th, 2010

The I3E 2010 conference is the tenth IFIP conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society sponsored by IFIP WG 6.11 in cooperation with TC11, TC8 and TC9. This year's edition is organized and hosted by SADIO, Argentinean Society of Informatics. I3E provides a forum for users, engineers, and scientists in academia, industry, and public administration to present their latest findings in e-business and e-services and their relationship to an e-society including the underlying technology to support such applications. The conference will host keynotes as well as research paper sessions and industrial presentations. Previous I3E conferences were held in Nancy, France (2009), Tokyo, Japan (2008), Wuhan, China (2007), Turku, Finland (2006), Poznan, Poland (2005), Toulouse, France (2004), Sao Paulo, Brazil (2003), Lisbon, Portugal (2002), Zurich, Switzerland (2001).


For the research papers, submissions should describe original, research work not submitted or published elsewhere. Papers should have a maximum of 10 pages, and must be in the PDF format prepared according to the guidelines of the IFIP AICT series (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology). Submissions which deviate from the AICT guidelines may be rejected without review. Submissions will be judged for scientific quality and for suitability as a basis for broader discussion. Authors of all accepted papers are required to send a signed copyright form as required by The International Federation for Information Processing. At least one author of each paper has to register and pay the regular fee before sending the volume to printing.

For more information about paper submission and about the I3E 2010 conference please visit the conference web site: http://www.iist.unu.edu/I3E/


I3E 2010 invites submissions on all topics related to e-business, e-services, and e-society, including but not limited to those listed below:

* Innovative e-Business models
* Inter-organizational systems
* Business process integration
* Business process re-engineering
* e-Marketplaces, e-Hubs and portals
* Digital goods and products
* User behavior modeling
* Mobile business
* Social networks in e-Business
* e-Negotiations, auctioning and contracting
* Supply, demand, and value chains
* e-Commerce content management
* Dynamic pricing models
* Trust and security

* e-Service composition and orchestration
* e-Collaboration
* Semantic web services
* Service workflows
* Application service management
* Service Oriented Architecture Platforms
* Software Infrastructure as a Service
* Virtual organizations and coalitions
* Virtual enterprises and virtual markets
* Web 2.0 applications
* Agent-oriented e-Services
* P2P co-operation models
* Ubiquitous, mobile and pervasive services
* Human interfaces for e-Services

* e-Government (G2G, G2B, and G2C)
* Digital cities and regions
* e-Democracy and e-Governance
* e-Health and e-Education
* Public e-Services for citizens and enterprises
* One-stop government & service integration
* Disaster monitoring and prevention systems
* Mobile public services
* Digital culture and digital divide
* Privacy and security
* Legal, societal and cultural issues
* Public-private partnerships
* International dimension of e-Government
* IT-Platform for public service

May 14, 2010     Paper Submission
Jun 30, 2010     Author Notification
Jul 16, 2010     Camera-ready Papers
Jul 16, 2010     Author registration
Nov 3-5, 2010    Conference


General Chair
Ricardo BRUZZI, SADIO,  Argentina

Program Chairs
Wojciech CELLARY, Poznan University of Economics,  Poland
Elsa ESTEVEZ, United Nations University, Macao SAR,  China

Publication Chair
Jacek CHMIELEWSKI, Poznan University of Economics,  Poland

Wojciech CELLARY, Poznan University of Economics,  Poland
Winfried LAMERSDORF, University of Hamburg,  Germany
Reima SUOMI, Turku School of Economics,  Finland


The proceedings of I3E 2010 will be published in the IFIP AICT series (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology).

Prof. Wojciech Cellary
Department of Information Technology
Poznan University of Economics
Mansfelda 4, 60-854 Poznan, POLAND
phone: +48 618480549; fax: +48 618483840
email: cellary@kti.ue.poznan.pl  http://www.kti.ue.poznan.pl/
Dr. Elsa Estevez
Senior Researcher
UNU-IIST Center for Electronic Governance
tel: +853 5040491; fax: +853 28712940
email: elsa@iist.unu.edu http://www.egov.iist.unu.edu/