Gente: desde LINKS y Con Mariana Salgado, estamos haciendo un Call for
papers, para un numero especial del Journal of Community Informatics (,
sobre "Co-creacion de tecnologias. Innovacion y Comunidades".
Los articulos deben estar en ingles. Agrego el Call mas abajo.
Esperamos sus contribuciones!
Call for papers JOCI
Co-creation of technology. Innovation by communities.
Editors: Susana Finquelievich and Mariana Salgado
In the last decades studies and experience have shown that users matter
in regards to technological innovation. Books such as "The
Co-Construction of Users and Technology ", analyzes the creative
capacity of users to shape technology in all phases, from design to
implementation. Lately, citizen´s labs are also trying to integrate
individuals and communities to technological innovation. They try to
combine the old “collaboratory” concept launched in the 1990s in
academic environments, or virtual laboratories, where scientists
collaborate though networking, with the concept of citizens´networks,
in which citizens collaborate in a digital environment for various
uses, and that, according to the Spanish antropologist Artur Serra,
have become freshly popular through social networks such as Facebook
otr Twitter.
Individuals, groups and community have actively participated in the
process of technological innovation and are increasingly aware of their
capacity for making and changing technologies. Internet - based social
networks, open source software, content creation, redesign by use,
citizens´participation in living labs, are just a few examples of
people actively enlarging the original uses of information and
communication technologies (ICT).
The goal of this special issue is to examine, using a variety of
multidisciplinary approaches, the mutual interaction between ICT and
users. The authors are welcome to reflect on the hypothesis that any
understanding of users must take into consideration the multiplicity of
roles they play, and that the conventional distinction between users
and producers is mainly formal and artificial.
Contributing knolwledge about the process in which individuals and
communities appropriate and makes information and communication
technology functional for their own specific purposes is the goal of
this special issue of JOCI. The objective is to advance on the subject
of how communities utilize technology, meanwhile creating innovative
uses. The papers should consider how users consume, modify,
domesticate, design, reconfigure, and resist technological development,
as well as in which ways users are changed by ICT.
Some of the key issues to be reflected upon are:
- Case studies about technology appropriation and modification of ICT
changes by communities.
- Alternative-use hunters: analysis of the processes through which
experts perceive the changes by communities or individuals and
incorporate them into the goods or services.
- Citizens´labs, living labs
- Theoretical contributions about these processes.
Abtracts details
500 word abstracts of submissions to this special issue (both academic
papers and field notes) should be sent to and
by May 30, 2010 and include the author's affiliation and contact
information. Full paper submissions are due by July 1, 2010.
Full Paper Details:
Field notes should be between 500 and 1500 words, written for an
informed but non-technical audience and describing community projects
in progress (project descriptions, technical specifications, etc).
Academic papers should be no longer than 8000 words, and include a 100
word abstract and a 25-word biography of the author including
affiliation and e-mail address. They should analyze or describe a
social, cultural, or economic aspect of community participation in ICT
innovation. The Journal of Community Informatics uses the APA reference
Dra. Susana Finquelievich
Investigadora del CONICET
Directora del Programa de Investigaciones sobre la Sociedad de la
Información, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Universidad de
Buenos Aires
Presidente de LINKS, Asociacion Civil para el Estudio y la Promocion de
la Sociedad de la Informacion
Guatemala 4253, 3er Piso B
1425 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Celular: (011) 15 4176 7884
Desde el exterior, from abroad: 54 9 11 41767884