Colleagues - Members of IEEE,
would like to take this
opportunity to cordially
invite you to participate and
submit your research results
for the 15th International
Conference on Advanced
Technologies, Systems and
Services in Telecommunications
- TELSIKS 2021, taking place
in Niš, Serbia, October 20-22
Conference will be organized
in a hybrid form. A part of
the conference will be in
virtual form (virtual
conference with electronic
on-line presentation of
papers), taking into account
the current situation due to
the Covid-19 pandemic, while
the other part will be
organized at the Faculty of
Electronic Engineering in Nis
for participants who have
expressed an intention to be
physically present at the
Conference and present their
papers in a classic way. The
possibility and scope of the
second part of the conference
and a more detailed
description of how the authors
will be able to present their
research results at the
Faculty of Electronic
Engineering in Nis will depend
on the health risk assessment
related to the Covid-19
pandemic trends in October.
Program of the Conference will
comprise plenary session,
several special sessions,
regular oral and poster
sessions and round tables.
MAY 15th, 2021.
biennial scientific Conference
has a long tradition (the
first conference was held 28
years ago) and it strives to
attract high quality papers in
the field of
telecommunications. The
objectives of the conference
are to provide high quality
research and professional
interactions for the
advancement of information and
communication technologies.
Papers with new research
results are encouraged for
upcoming TELSIKS 2021
Conference is technically
co-sponsored by two IEEE
societies: IEEE Microwave
Theory and Techniques Society
(MTT-S) and IEEE Antennas and
Propagation Society (AP-S) and
also by Region 8. Accepted and
presented papers will be
published in Conference
Proceedings, and will be
indexed in IEEE Xplore,
subject to final approval by
the Conference Technical
2021 is organized by the
University of Niš, Faculty of
Electronic Engineering,
Serbia, and the Society for
Microwave Technique,
Technologies and Systems,
Please find more information
about the conference at:
Please find the pdf version of
the Call of Papers at:
is an administrative, economic
and cultural centre of the
South-East Serbia, some 240 km
away from Belgrade. This city
stands on the site of the
Roman settlement of Naissus,
the birthplace of Emperor
Constantine the Great, in the
valley of the river Niišava.
There is a number of the
ancient monuments in the city
that testify about its stormy
history. Niš is known as the
greatest gate between East and
West, because it is on the
crossroad of the three
important directions of the
international highway, railway
and air traffic.
is a well-known university
centre in Serbia, and Europe
as well. Faculty of Electronic
Engineering, one of the
organisers of the conference
TELSIKS and one of the most
perspective university
institutions in the country,
gives a great contribution to
the development of the
University of Niš as well as
to development of the science
of Republic of Serbia.
official conference language
is English.
do not hesitate to contact us
for any additional information
you may require
kind regards,
TELSIKS 2021 organizing team