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*** Call for Chapters ***
We invite high-quality chapters for an edited book on
A book to be published by CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group and
edited by:
- Ivan Mistrik, Computer Scientist & Software Researcher,
Heidelberg, Germany
- Matthias Galster, Senior Lecturer in Software Engineering at
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
- Bruce Maxim, Full Professor of Computer and Information Science
at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
- Bedir Tekinerdogan, Full professor and chair of the Information
Technology group at Wageningen University in The Netherlands
Big data is characterized by the seven V’s: volume (large amounts
of data), velocity (continuously processed data in real time),
variety (unstructured, semi-structured or structured data in
different formats and from multiple and diverse sources), veracity
(uncertainty and trustworthiness of data), validity (relevance of
data to the problem to solve), volatility (constant change of
input data), and value (how data and its analysis adds value).
Big data systems are software applications that process and
potentially generate big data. Such applications receive and
process data from various diverse (usually distributed) sources,
such as sensors, devices, whole networks, social networks, mobile
devices or devices in an Internet-of-Things. They process high
workloads of data and handle high requests for data. The idea is
to use large amounts of data strategically and efficiently to
provide additional intelligence.
This book will explore software engineering of big data systems,
including topics related to requirements as well as architecture,
detailed design, implementation, maintenance and operations.
Software engineering is the application of a systematic approach
to designing, operating and maintaining software systems and the
study of all the activities involved in achieving the same. The
software engineering discipline and research into software systems
flourished with the advent of computers and the technological
revolution ushered in by the World Wide Web and the Internet.
Software systems have grown dramatically to the point of becoming
ubiquitous. They have a significant impact on the global economy
and on how we interact and communicate with each other and with
computers using software in our daily lives. However, there have
been major changes in the type of software systems developed over
the years. In the past decade owing to breakthrough advancements
in cloud and mobile computing technologies, unprecedented volumes
of hitherto inaccessible data, referred to as big data, has become
available to technology companies and business organizations
farsighted and discerning enough to use it to create new products,
and services generating astounding profits.
This book will focus on several research challenges of software
engineering for developing big data systems, in particular by:
- surveying the existing software engineering literature on
applying software engineering principles into developing and
supporting big data systems
- identifying the fields of application for big data software
- investigating the software engineering knowledge areas that have
seen research related to big data systems
- revealing the gaps in the knowledge areas that require more
focus for big data systems development
- determining the open research challenges in each software
engineering knowledge area that need to be met. BACKGROUND TOPICS
All chapters should consider the practical application of the
topic through case studies, experiments, empirical validation, or
systematic comparisons with other data systems, as well as allow
further approaches already in practice. The book intends to
discuss systematic and disciplined approaches to building big data
systems, dissemination of the state-of-the-art methods and
techniques for representing and evaluating these systems.
Chapters are invited that synthesize existing knowledge on
relevant background topics and application areas in software
engineering of big systems. Chapters should be accessible to
senior undergraduate students and graduate students with a
background in Computer Science, Information Science, Software
Engineering, Software Architecture, Systems Engineering,
Requirements Engineering, Software Design or related disciplines.
Chapters are not expected to correspond to the description of a
single research project or technique. Each chapter should clearly
highlight three to five take-away messages or key lessons at the
beginning of the chapter.
Please submit your chapter in PDF format to:
Chapters will be peer-reviewed by 3 reviewers. The authors
participating in this publishing project will also be asked to
review chapters by other contributors.
We recommend using Word from very beginning, since the sources for
the final manuscript are required to be in Word. Please refer to
Publisher’s Guideline for Authors at
You are expected to collaborate on final editing of your chapter
by Publisher’s editorial project manager.
Letter of Intent to editors (a tentative title, authors, a short
December 2019: (as early as convenient)
Chapters due: 30 January 2020 (extended until 28 February 2020)
First round of reviews: 1 February 2020 – 30 April 2020
Revisions: 1 May 2020 -30July 2020
Second round of reviews: 1 August 2020 -30 August 2020
Final version due: 30 November 2020
Complete manuscript due: 30 February 2021
Expected publication: Spring 2021
For further details please contact editors at