-------- Original Message --------
Call for Papers
Journal of Grid Computing
Springer (http://www.springer.com/?SGWID=5-102-0-0-0), Special Issue on
"Models and Algorithms for High-Performance Data Management and Mining on
Computational Grids and Clouds"
Alfredo Cuzzocrea (http://si.deis.unical.it/cuzzocrea/), ICAR-CNR and
University of Calabria, Italy
Aim and Scope
High-performance data management and mining are well-known resource- and
time-consuming activities that have attracted a great deal of interest from
the research community. High-performance data management can be reasonably
intended as a intermediate step of high-performance data mining activities
over large-scale amounts of data, while still keeping unaltered the primary
and self-contained focus of achieving effectiveness and efficiency in these
task themselves. There exists a wide range of application scenarios where
high-performance data management and mining play a critical role. Among
these, we recall: prediction of natural disasters, analysis of massive
sensor and stream data, scientific computing and e-science, fraud detection,
business intelligence, cloud intelligence, and so forth.
In the application scenarios above, the usage of computational Grids and
Clouds, which is a well-understood and mature paradigm for computational
intelligence whose merits are not only limited to high-performance
capabilities, but also they convey to novel amenities falling in the wide
range of e-science and scientific computing. All in one, coupling
high-performance computational Grids and Clouds with data management and
mining activities pursues the goal of creating a successful environment for
data management and mining over large-scale amounts of data, which, beyond
to the major goal of achieving high-performance during the execution of
these activities, embeds a plethora of innovative features, such as: (i)
providing scientists with the capabilities of allowing flexibility during
the creation of scientific workflows; (ii) enriching data management and
mining with relevant benefits, such as automation of analysis processes and
dimensionality reduction; (iii) allowing for the capability of obtaining
well-defined and well-structured data management and mining activities over
large-scale data; (iv) providing problem-solving environments where analysts
can re-produce the typical algorithm editing process, with meaningful
abstractions on primitives and black-box components.
With these goals in mind, the proposed Journal of Grid Computing (JOGC)
special issue will cover theoretical as well as practical aspects of models
and algorithms for high-performance data management and mining on
computational Grids and Clouds, thus constituting a milestone in Grid and
Cloud-focused database and data mining research, with a rare multi-aspect
research vision spanning from elegant models and formalisms to effective and
comprehensive methodologies and efficient algorithms.
Relevant research areas for the proposed JOGC special issue include, but are
not limited to, the following ones:
- foundations of high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining;
- high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining models;
- high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining methodologies;
- high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining techniques;
- high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining algorithms;
- scalable disk-based models for high-performance Grid and Cloud data
management and mining;
- scalable disk-based algorithms for high-performance Grid and Cloud data
management and mining;
- multi-core models for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and
- multi-core algorithms for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management
and mining;
- cluster-based models for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management
and mining;
- cluster-based algorithms for high-performance Grid and Cloud data
management and mining;
- cloud-based models for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and
- cloud-based algorithms for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management
and mining;
- SOA-based models for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and
- SOA-based algorithms for high-performance Grid and Cloud data management
and mining;
- P2P-oriented high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining;
- Map-Reduce-based high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and
- Service-oriented high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and
- high-performance Grid and Cloud data management and mining in innovative
contexts like streams, sensors, mobile environments and social networks.
Schedule (Tentative)
Submission of full papers: May 30, 2012
First decision notification: July 30, 2012
Submission of revised papers: September 30, 2012
Final decision notification: October 30, 2012
Final materials to Springer: December 30, 2012
Estimated publication date: June 2013
Submission Guidelines and Instructions
All manuscripts will be rigorously refereed by at least three reviewers
among people of widely-recognized expertise. Submission of a manuscript to
this special issue implies that no similar paper is already accepted or will
be submitted to any other conference or journal.
Author guidelines for preparation of manuscript can be found at:
http://www.editorialmanager.com/grid/, in the section "Instructions for
All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through
Springer Editorial Manager. Authors must select "Special Issue: High-Perf.
Data Mng. and Min. on Grids and Clouds" when they reach the "Article Type"
step in the submission process. The Springer Editorial Manager Web site for
JOGC is available at: http://www.editorialmanager.com/grid/
For more information and any inquire, please contact Alfredo Cuzzocrea
(http://si.deis.unical.it/~cuzzocrea/) at cuzzocrea@si.deis.unical.it