-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] 2nd CFP: 3rd REA Technology Workshop (immediately preceding CAiSE 2008) Datum: Tue, 6 May 2008 07:08:14 -0400 Von: Geert Poels geert.poels@rug.ac.be Antwort an: Geert Poels geert.poels@rug.ac.be An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Workshop site: http://www.managementinformation.ugent.be/REAworkshop2008/
NEW: We received an offer to publish the extended versions of the position papers from the 3rd REA Technology Workshop in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), a new series by Springer. Please make sure the submitted papers are not already freely available on the web. Reworked and extended versions of freely available papers will be accepted if they are sufficiently modified.
William E. McCarthy published the REA enterprise model in the 1982 July issue of the Accounting Review. In 2002 Guido Geerts and William E. McCarthy presented the REA enterprise model as a business domain ontology that is embedded in Sowa�s top-level ontology. The article was published in the International Journal of Accounting Information System and indicates a new zest in REA research that broadens the initial scope (accounting and education) to representing intra-enterprise phenomena (e.g. ERP-systems) and inter-enterprise phenomena (e.g. supply chain models). The inter-enterprise aspect of REA was further clarified by its use in the ISO Open-edi accounting and economic ontology (ISO/IEC 15944-4) published in November 2007.
Prior REA Technology workshops (e.g. Copenhagen, Santorini) offered interesting discussions concerning these REA extensions. In Montpellier, we would like to continue the discussion and offer a forum for both fundamental REA research and applications for the REA ontology.
The workshop is open to anyone with an interest in the use, formalization or implementation of the REA ontology. We would like to receive a sign of your interest in this workshop on Managementinformation@UGent.be by Friday April 18th 2008 in order to enable us to procure appropriate workshop infrastructure.
Position papers presenting REA related research will be welcomed until May 24th 2008. Presentations will be determined by invitation, based on the organizing committee�s evaluation of the submitted position papers. Authors of accepted position papers will be notified by June 1st 2008.
Topics of Interest
Fundamental REA Research � Precise semantics of the ontological categories in REA � Extensions of the REA ontology as we know it today � Semantic similarities and differences between REA and double-entry bookkeeping, ERP-systems, workflow models, business (process) models� � REA and model-driven software development � The contribution of REA as a reference model (i.e. canon) for ambiguity reduction in discussions between different business fields. � Business domain ontologies that are complementary to the REA ontology � The contribution of REA in process control and fraud detection
REA applications � REA domain-specific modeling � REA and emerging technologies � REA application ontologies � REA formalizations (e.g. OWL, UML, XML, XBRL �) � Accounting artifacts � REA as a mechanism for interoperability � REA-based software applications and architectures � Best practices, guidelines and patterns for creating REA-based models
Important Dates
Position paper submission deadline Sunday May 25th 2008
Notification of acceptance Sunday June 1st 2008
Workshop date Sunday June 15th 2008
Submission Guidelines
Participants wishing to present REA related research are solicited to submit a short position paper in pdf format. We encourage the participants to focus on the ideas in progress, on which they would like to get feedback from the fellow workshop participants. Length of the paper is not limited but should contain enough information for the program committee to evaluate the submission. We advise 1500 words. The position papers will be published on the workshop webpage.
Submissions are to be sent by e-mail to Managementinformation@UGent.be no later than May 24th 2008. All submissions must include the full contact information for at least one author.
This informal workshop will be held in the Mercure Montpellier Antigone, 285 bld de l�aéroport Internationale-Antigone, 34000 Montpellier, France in the build-up to The 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE�08), for which the official workshops start Monday June 16th 2008.
Hotel: http://www.accorhotels.com/accorhotels/fichehotel/fr/mer/1544/fiche_hotel.sh...
CAiSE: http://www.lirmm.fr/caise08/
Organizing Committee
William McCarthy (mccarthy@bus.msu.edu); Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Pavel Hruby (phruby@acm.org); REA Technology, Egehegnet 46, 2850 Naerum, Denmark
Geert Poels (Geert.Poels@UGent.be) ; Department of Management Information and Operations management, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University; Tweekerken 2, B-9000 Ghent
Ken Decreus (Ken.Decreus@UGent.be) ; Department of Management Information and Operations management, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University; Tweekerken 2, B-9000 Ghent
Wim Laurier (Wim.Laurier@UGent.be) ; Department of Management Information and Operations management, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Ghent University; Tweekerken 2, B-9000 Ghent
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