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Subject: [AISWorld] Final Call for Abstracts MISQE Blockchain Academic Workshops
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2018 18:30:09 +0000
From: Mary Lacity <MLacity@walton.uark.edu>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>
CC: Rajiv Sabherwal <RSabherwal@walton.uark.edu>, Carsten Sorensen <c.sorensen@lse.ac.uk>


MIS Quarterly Executive Academic Workshops

In preparation for the December 2019 Special Issue on: Delivering Business Value through Enterprise Blockchain Applications http://misqe.org/ojs2/templates/common/CFPMISQESblockchainfinal.pdf

Sponsored by: The Society for Information Management (SIM) and MIS Quarterly Executive

You may submit to one of two workshops:
ICIS 2018 in San Francisco, USA on Wednesday, December 12, 2018 from 1 to 5pm
HICSS 2019 in Hawaii, USA on Tuesday, January 8, 2019 1 to 4 pm

In preparation for MIS Quarterly Executive’s Special Issue on Delivering Business Value through Enterprise Blockchain Applications, we invite you to submit an abstract for presentation at one of two pre-conference SIM Academic Workshops. We will hold one workshop just before ICIS in San Francisco and one just before HICSS in Hawaii. The purpose of these pre-conference workshops is to help develop papers for possible consideration for the special issue.

The special issue aims to examine the strategic opportunities, management challenges, and emerging practices to realize the promised value from enterprise blockchain applications. We encourage submissions based on original in-depth case studies or other field-based research that provide practical frameworks, proven best practices, and rich descriptions of clearly valuable blockchain applications. Our aim is to attract papers that highlight what is real, live, and being used rather than what is merely aspirational.
The CfP for the special issue is here: http://misqe.org/ojs2/templates/common/CFPMISQESblockchainfinal.pdf
Workshop Deadlines:

Sept. 10, 2018: Submit an abstract

Oct. 22, 2018: Notification of workshop acceptance with preliminary editorial feedback

Abstract requirements:

Please list all authors, their affiliations, contact information.

Please indicate which pre-conference workshop (ICIS or HICSS)

Please be specific as to the status of the research, the access to data (field studies, case studies, etc.), project funding, and plan for completing the study.

Page limitation: No more than 2 single-spaced pages of text and up to 2 figures. We will not count figures, contact information or references in the 2-page limit.

Please submit your abstract to: Rajiv Sabherwal, University of Arkansas, RSabherwal@walton.uark.edu<mailto:RSabherwal@walton.uark.edu>

The Special Issue co-editors are:
Mary Lacity, University of Arkansas, mlacity@walton.uark.edu<mailto:mlacity@walton.uark.edu>
Rajiv Sabherwal, University of Arkansas, RSabherwal@walton.uark.edu<mailto:RSabherwal@walton.uark.edu>
Carsten Sorensen, London School of Economics, c.sorensen@lse.ac.uk<mailto:c.sorensen@lse.ac.uk>

Dr. Mary C. Lacity
Walton Professor of Information Systems and Director of the Blockchain Center of Excellence
Sam M. Walton College of Business
1 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Author of A Manager’s Guide to Blockchains for Business<https://sbpublishing.org/blockchain.html>, SB Publishing.

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