-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] DADS Track at ACM SAC 2010 Call for papers Datum: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 08:06:56 -0400 Von: Karl M. Göschka Karl.Goeschka@tuwien.ac.at Antwort an: Karl M. Göschka Karl.Goeschka@tuwien.ac.at An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
CALL FOR PAPERS ===============
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | 5th Track on Dependable and Adaptive Distributed Systems (DADS) | | of the 25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'10) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
March 22 - 26, 2010 Sierre, Switzerland http://www.dedisys.org/sac10/ http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2010/
Accepted papers will be published in the ACM conference proceedings and will be included in the ACM digital library.
Important Dates: Paper submission: September 8, 2009 Author notification: October 19, 2009 Camera-ready copies: November 2, 2009
Authors are invited to submit original work not previously published, nor currently submitted elsewhere. Authors submit full papers in pdf format using the submission site http://sac.cs.iupui.edu/SAC2010/. Authors are allowed up to 8 pages, but with more than 5 pages in the final camera ready, there will be a charge of 80USD per extra page.
Call details ============ Dependability is no longer restricted to critical applications, but rather becomes a cornerstone of the information society. Dependability clearly is a holistic concept: Contributing factors are not only technical, but also social, cultural (i.e. corporate culture), psychological (perceived dependability), managerial (information management and processes), and economical. Fostering learning is a key, and simplicity is generally an enabler for dependability.
Unfortunately, heterogeneous, large-scale, and dynamic software systems that typically run continuously often tend to become inert, brittle, and vulnerable after a while. The key problem is, that the most innovative mobile and pervasive systems and applications are the ones that also suffer most from a significant decrease in (deterministic) dependability when compared to traditional critical systems, where dependability and security are fairly well understood as complementary concepts and a variety of proven methods and techniques is available today. In accordance with Laprie we call this effect the dependability gap, which is widened in front of us between demand and supply of dependability, and we can see this trend further fueled by an ever increasing cost pressure.
Future systems need to close the dependability gap in face of challenges such as cross-organisational heterogeneity, massive scale, and mobility. Of course, dependability and adaptiveness can not simply be added to a system like a plug-in module. Rather, for databases, services, middleware, and software development, application developers need tools, sound methodologies, common practices, standards, architectural principles, and middleware services, to tackle the inherent complexity and emerging behavior of distributed systems and to ensure trustworthy services. Therefore, the vision of this track is on the convergence of software development tools with middleware, traditional dependability, fault tolerance, security, and adaptivity concepts, together with social and psychological aspects, to compensate for dependability degradation of running software and services.
Topics of interest ================== * Architectural and infrastructural principles for adaptive and dependable distributed systems. * Adaptivity and dependability in service oriented architectures. * Trust and dependability as complementary and competing aspects. Integration of security and dependability concepts. Balancing and negotiation of dependability and security properties. * Dependability in complex service oriented environments, GRID-computing, and P2P-systems. Concertation, orchestration, coordination, and context-awareness (context-modeling). * Middleware support for reunification of network segments and reconciliation of divergent replicas. Consideration of alternative techniques for dynamic configuration and/or reconfiguration. * New middleware protocols, that are able to work in a peer-to-peer manner in cross-organisational environments and to tackle the challenges of massive scale and mobility. * Data replication strategies, interfaces, and standards. Interaction of distributed databases with middleware systems. * Adaptive, optimistic replication models and protocols. * Group communication and group membership services in failure scenarios with network partitions. * Other fault tolerance techniques, including transactions and explicit control of quality of service properties. * Autonomous behaviour and self-* properties. * Partial and probabilistic approaches for replication, group membership, and distributed consensus in loosely-coupled and ad-hoc environments to improve dependability. * Support for dependability and adaptiveness in component-based systems (e.g. component frameworks, container services, deployment, composition and substitution of components, building trusted systems from untrusted components). * Trading of dependability and adaptability with other non-functional requirements like integrity (consistency) or performance. Approaches to improve the scalability of dependable and adaptive systems. * Foundations and formal methods (e.g., rigorous development of dependable systems, verification and refinement of fault tolerant systems, techniques and mechanisms ensuring application level fault tolerance). * System design, modeling, development and tool support for dependable and adaptive systems
Track program co-chairs =============== Karl M. Göschka (chair) Svein O. Hallsteinsen Rui Oliveira Alexander Romanovsky Lorenz Froihofer, dads@dedisys.org
Program committee ================= Enrique Armendariz, Universidad Publica de Navarra (Spain) Alberto Bartoli, University of Trieste (Italy) Stefan Beyer, ITI Valencia (Spain) Rogerio De Lemos, University of Kent (UK) Frank Eliassen, University of Oslo (Norway) Pascal Felber, Université de Neuchâtel (Switzerland) Jacqueline Floch, Sintef (Norway) Christina Gacek, Newcastle University (UK) Kurt Geihs, Universität Kassel (Germany) Holger Giese, Hasso Plattner Institut (Germany) Mats P. E. Heimdahl, University of Minnesota (USA) Matti Hiltunen, AT&T Labs (USA) Geir Horn, SINTEF (Norway) Marc-Ollivier Killijian, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse (France) Mikel Larrea, Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea (Spain) Marin Litoiu, IBM (Canada) Jeff Magee, Imperial College London (UK) István Majzik, Budapest UTE. (Hungary) Francesc Daniel Muñoz-Escoí, UP Valencia (Spain) Marta Patino-Martinez, UP Madrid (Spain) Fernando Pedone, Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland) Jose Pereira, Universidade do Minho (Portugal) Calton Pu, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) Roland Reichle, Universität Kassel (Germany) Luís Rodrigues, University of Lisboa (Portugal) Luigi Romano, University of Naples (Italy) Giovanni Russello, Create-Net (Italy) André Schiper, EPFL (Switzerland) Bradley Schmerl, Carnegie Mellon University (USA) Dietmar Schreiner, Vienna University of Technology (Austria) Stefan Tai, Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren - AIFB, Karlsruhe (Germany) Jan Tretmans, Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands) Sara Tucci Piergiovanni, Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza (Italy) Aad van Moorsel, University of Newcastle (UK) Paolo Verissimo, University of Lisboa (Portugal) Roman Vitenberg, University of Oslo (Norway) Mario Zenha Rela, U. of Coimbra (Portugal) Uwe Zdun, Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
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