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Betreff: [AISWorld] Call for papers and reviewers - 26th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2015), Adelaide.
Datum: Thu, 7 May 2015 22:25:10 +0000
Von: John Lamp <john.lamp@deakin.edu.au>
An: ISHoDs (IS-hods@list.utas.edu.au) <IS-hods@list.utas.edu.au>, ISAus (IS-Aus@list.utas.edu.au) <IS-Aus@list.utas.edu.au>, ISWorld <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

Call for papers and reviewers - 26th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2015), Adelaide.

For further information regarding the call for papers, please refer to the main conference web site at: https://acis2015.unisa.edu.au/

The conference will include the following Tracks and though we encourage submissions that focus on one of these areas, we are open to submissions in other areas:

  *   Social Media and Social Technologies for Organisations and Individuals
  *   Health Informatics
  *   IS Security, Cyber Crime and Digital Investigations
  *   Information Systems and Future-focused Learning Environments
  *   Electronic/Mobile Commerce and IT-enabled Supply Chain Management
  *   Enterprise Systems Services and Management
  *   Information Ethics, Professionalism and Society
  *   Information Quality and Governance
  *   IS in Supply Chain Management
  *   Knowledge Management and IS
  *   Diversity and Inclusion in the IT Workforce
  *   Information Systems Development for a Connected World
  *   Emerging Approaches for Decision Support Systems and Business Intelligence
  *   General Track

Full Research & Research-in-Progress Papers

Full research and research-in-progress submissions may take the form of theoretical essays, formal analyses, technical discussions, and/or papers reporting on quantitative or qualitative empirical research. It is expected that full papers in these categories will include final (or in-progress) data analyses and documentation of results. Full research should be similar to journal submissions, but shorter (i.e. 10 A4 pages). Research-in-progress papers are the same as above but typically represent work that is incomplete, yet promising.

They must be submitted to the conference track that best fits the topic area. ACIS 2015 recognises that the list of tracks is not an exhaustive one - nonetheless, ACIS 2015 asks that authors select the track that best fits the topic area. The Programme Co-Chairs may then shift a submission from one track to another, as they deem appropriate.

Submission Format

The language of the conference is English. All submissions must therefore be in English.

Submissions to ACIS2015 should not have been published previously in a journal or conference proceedings, nor presented at another conference, nor currently under review or consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere.

Length and format
The maximum length for all submissions is 10 A4 pages (Times New Roman 10pt), including references and appendices. All submissions must be in .DOC format and must use the ACIS 2015 submission template<https://acis2015.unisa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/ACIS-template-2015.dotx>. An example can be found here<https://acis2015.unisa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/ACIS-example.pdf>. This document also contains the general guidelines for formatting of all submissions.

Anonymizing for Initial Review
As all submissions will be double-blind reviewed, the author's names(s) and affiliation(s) should not be included anywhere in the document for the initial submission. If referring to articles or documents by the same author(s) these should be removed from the text and reference list, and replace with <removed for refereeing>.

As it places a significant administrative burden on the conference organisers to ensure that your paper does not identify you as an author, and as this is central to the integrity of the double-blind review process, then failure to comply with these formatting requirements will result in rejection of your paper.

How to Submit
All submissions must be made via the ACIS2015 submission system<https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi>.<https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi> Author information, abstract, keywords and the main body of the submission will be uploaded separately in the review system. Authors can upload a manuscript which that can be altered, re-uploaded or deleted. Once an author "submits" a manuscript to the system, however, it can no longer be changed, edited, or revised.

Please note: No duplicated submissions to different tracks will be accepted.

Review Process
All paper submissions will be pre-screened for conformity with the submission guidelines and overall appropriateness for the conference. Paper submissions that pass the initial screening will be evaluated in a double-blind peer review process. These include full research papers, research-in-progress papers, teaching cases, and practitioner reports. Each conference track is chaired by IS academics with research expertise in the respective area. The track chairs will supervise the review process, involving selected reviewers from the IS research community. Acceptance and rejection decisions are will be finalized by the Programme Committee.

In general, the review criteria will be those typically used by major journals and conferences (e.g. relevance of the topic, quality of the research process, contribution etc). The results of the review process will be communicated to the author(s) by the specified date. The author(s) will be responsible for making the revisions recommended by the reviewers, and for submitting the final version of their paper by the appropriate deadline.

Commitment to participate in the conference
At least one author of each accepted paper and all the members of accepted panels must register for the conference.

Contact us
If you have any questions about the programme and/or the paper submission process, please contact the Programme Chairs Professor Frada Burstein, Monash University (frada.burstein@monash.edu<mailto:frada.burstein@monash.edu>) or Dr Gaye Deegan, UniSA (gaye.deegan@unisa.edu.au<mailto:gaye.deegan@unisa.edu.au>) or Associate Professor Helana Scheepers (hscheepers@swin.edu.au<mailto:hscheepers@swin.edu.au>)

Important Dates:

3 August 2015
Paper Submission Deadline
17 August 2015
Deadline for Doctoral Consortium, Tutorials, Workshops & Panels Proposal Submission
14 September 2015
Notification of Acceptance of Papers
5 October 2015
Notification of acceptance/rejections for Doctoral Consortium, Tutorials, Workshops & Panels
12 October 2015
Revised Papers Due
30 Nov - 1 Dec 2015
ACIS Doctoral Consortium
2 - 4 December 2015
ACIS Conference

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