1. Join the SIG through the AIS website
2. Join the Listserv by sending a blank email with the subject
“subscribe” to:
3. Meet with us at our SIG sponsored events at AMCIS 2011:
a. We will have our first
business meeting on Friday, August 5 at 6pm. For those
attending AMCIS, there should be a way to indicate your
attendance on the during the registration process (or just drop
b. Look for a Mini-track on Spatial Business Intelligence –
there are two papers in the track. One of our goals will be to
broaden and encourage research on spatial related topics (there
are many).
c. There will be SIG sponsored panel titled Research
Directions in Spatial Business Intelligence: Place, Space, and
Decision Support on Saturday, August 6. The SIGGIS panel
members are Jim Pick (University of Redlands), Brian Mennecke
(Iowa State), Namchul Shin (Pace University). We are working on
expanding the panel with representatives from the major vendors
in this area.
d. I’ll be giving an introductory hands-on workshop on GIS
(bring a laptop) 1:30pm-5:00pm on Friday, August 4. There
should be a way to register during the AMCIS registration
process or on sight at the conference