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** 17th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2015)
Call for Workshops
Business Informatics
Business Informatics is the scientific discipline targeting information processes and related phenomena in their socio-economical business context, including companies, organisations, administrations and society in general. Business Informatics is a fertile ground for research with the potential for immense and tangible impact. As a field of study, it endeavours to take a systematic and analytic approach in aligning core concepts from management science, organisational science, economics information science, and informatics into an integrated engineering science.
The CBI is aimed at creating a forum for researchers and practitioners from various fields that contribute to the construction, use and maintenance of information systems and the organisational context they are embedded in. Last but not least, we want to offer a common platform for Computer Scientist and Information Systems researchers. The benefits of such a cross-disciplinary conception are contrasted by a challenge: Authors who submit a paper take the risk to be assessed by standards that are different from those they are used to in their own communities. The CBI's organisation accounts for this challenge. It comprises various domains that represent certain communities. Domains may overlap. They are represented by two domain coordinators. To encourage submissions both from Computer Science and Information Systems, the domains are, if possible, coordinated by representatives of both disciplines. The domain coordinators are in charge of supervising the reviewing process and
forming tracks depending on the collection of accepted papers. Tracks are not only intended to represent a certain subject area, but also to include papers from different communities.
CBI 2015 will include the following domains: Business Process Engineering, Business Systems Engineering, Business Data Engineering, Business Models & Service Innovation, Enterprise Engineering & Enterprise Architecture, Method Engineering, Modelling in Business Informatics, Industrial Services.
Goal of the IEEE CBI conference series
The goal of the CBI series of conferences is to bring together existing Business Informatics related research domains and stimulate discussion, synergy and integration of their respective research results and activities. Accordingly, the CBI conferences use a format that enables an in depth discussions among researchers in their respective domains during the conference.
Call for Workshop Proposals
The organising committee of the 17th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2015) invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. The overall purpose of a workshop is to provide participants with the opportunity to present and discuss novel research ideas on areas relevant to business informatics.
CBI 2015 workshops provide organizers and participants with an opportunity to focus intensively on a specific topic related to the conference scope. Often, workshops concentrate on an emerging topic of technical interest, unique area of application for enterprise computing, or a community-wide issue that deserves specialized attention.
This year, CBI workshops introduce two novelties:
First, CBI workshops could select between two following types of proceedings:
1. IEEE proceedings. Workshops will have to comply with the acceptance rate requirements from IEEE and with the standard maximum paper length. They will have also to synchronize their submission/acceptance deadlines to the main conference deadlines.
2. On-line CEUR volume. The CEUR volume will be marked as the “Complementary CBI proceedings”. If desired, and it would not lead to a violation of the CEUR minimum size requirements, a workshop can have its own volume. The CBI co-location must be made explicit.
Second, workshops could be submitted as “mini Dagstuhl” seminar.
In addition to traditional workshops, we encourage the submission of proposals that follow the model of the renowned Dagstuhl seminars. These seminars put specific emphasis on open and enthusiastic discourses. Participation is by invitation only and restricted to experts in the area of a seminar’s topic. A “mini Dagstuhl” seminar may take one day or a half day. A typical structure would include short introductory statements by all participants, which may be followed by focused debates, panel discussion, short presentations, breakout sessions etc.
Workshops should address topics that satisfy the following criteria:
* The topic falls in the general scope of CBI 2015 (http://cbi-series.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3a29ef3b623c5b69f4cc8c9a0&id=4221154561&e=525681433d).
* CBI workshops should attract an international and sufficiently large audience interested in the topic.
* Limited overlap with existing workshops co-located with CBI (the list of workshops is available at http://cbi-series.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3a29ef3b623c5b69f4cc8c9a0&id=87cbfc5d6b&e=525681433d). The potential overlap will be checked with the scientific committee of the corresponding workshop.
Successful workshops are required to organise their own reviewing process and website, as well as co-ordinate the collection and delivery of camera ready material and copyright transfer, in line with their choice for proceedings.
Workshops could opt for accepting “rejected” papers from the main conference. In this case, they will have to synchronize their submission/acceptance deadlines to the main conference deadlines.
Important Dates
* Workshop Proposals: December 15, 2014
* Workshop Proposal Notification: January 2, 2015
Proposal Details
Workshop proposals should provide sufficient information to evaluate the quality and importance of the topic, the goals of the workshop, and the size of the interested community.
Organizers are encouraged to focus on mechanisms other than traditional paper presentations and to differentiate themselves clearly from typical conference sessions.
Proposals should be not more than 4 pages in length, should be in text or PDF format. It should contain the following information:
* A title of the workshop
* Name, affiliation, postal address and email of contact person
* Names and affiliations of organisers, chairs, etc
* Aims, goals and scope
* Topical relation to CBI conference
* A 150 word abstract
* Description of the proposed workshop
* Estimated duration of the workshop (half day, full day etc.)
* Format of the workshop. How will the workshop sessions be scheduled? Discussions?
* Track record/history of the workshop (when applicable)
* Long term desire/plan of the workshop of continued co-location with the CBI conference
* Desired form or proceedings (IEEE Proceedings, On-line CEUR volume)
* Desire to receive redirected papers from the main conference
* Deadlines (only when the workshops aims to use an on-line CEUR volume, otherwise the dates of the main conference apply)
* Maximum paper length (only when the workshops aims to use an on-line CEUR volume, otherwise the maximum paper length is standard
Proposals for “mini-Dagstuhl” seminars should account for the following aspects:
* Seminar organizers: A seminar should be organized by at least two experienced experts of the targeted field.
* Motivation: Why is the topic of the seminar of specific relevance for current or future research?
* Participants: A list of participants to be invited. It is appreciated but not mandatory that prospective participants have already agreed at the time when a proposal is submitted.
* Structure: The intended duration and structure of the seminar.
Workshop proposals should be submitted via email to the workshop chair.
Workshop Chair
Elena Kornyshova, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France (elena.kornyshova@cnam.fr)
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