-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [computational.science] CFP CISIM 2012, Venice, Italy
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 18:13:18 -0700
From: Marina Gavrilova <marina@cpsc.ucalgary.ca>
Organization: "ICCSA"
To: Computational Science Mailing List <computational.science@lists.iccsa.org>

            CISIM 2012  call for papers


        11th International Conference on

  Information Systems and Industrial Management




             Università Ca' Foscari

                    Venice, Italy

            26-28 September, 2012





There is still a big gap between theoretical research in Computer
Information Systems and the needs of innovative industrial management
applications.CISIM is an opportunity to  bring together researchers from all
over the world to discuss effective software support for widespread use of
information systemstechnologies. The main focus this year will be on Data
Management in (possible) Untrusted Networks.

Contributions are expected that address the issue of securing computer
networks so as to ensure reliable data management and delivery. The
conference aims at providing a forum for practitioners and researchers to
exchange ideas, perspectives on problems, and new solutions. Both papers
proposing novel models, methods, and algorithms and reporting experiences
applying existing methods on significant case studies and industrial
examples are welcome.




Papers due: April 10, 2012

Notification: June 10, 2012

Camera-ready and Registration due: June 30, 2012




Research papers (12 pages)  in Springer LNCS-style should be submitted
through the easychair system .

The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series.




- network security models and tools

- application security models and tools

- security requirements modelling

- formal verification of security properties

- security testing of legacy systems

- data analysis

- biometric security

- advanced biosignal processing and modelling

- biometric performance management

- classification and indexing of multimedia information objects

- image analysis

- multimedia security and protection

- access control and data protection

- web security

- security of SaaS in cloud environments

- business process engineering

- data protection in ERP systems

- software engineering for ubiquitous and cloud computing

- industrial applications: Government, Finance, Telecommunications, Retail




Ajith Abraham, MIR Labs, USA

Adrian Atanasiu, Bucharest University, Romania Rahma Boucetta, University of
Sfax, Tunisia Silvana Castano, University of Milano, Italy Nabendu Chaki,
Calcutta University, India (co-chair) Young Im Cho, University of Suwon,
Korea Agostino Cortesi, Ca' Foscari Univ., Italy (co-chair) Dipankar
Dasgupta, University of Memphis, USA Pierpaolo Degano, University of Pisa,
Italy Pietro Ferrara, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Riccardo Focardi, Ca' Foscari
Univ of Venice, Italy Kauru Hirota, Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Japan Dong
Hwa Kim, Hanbat Nation. University, Korea Sushil Jajodia, George Mason
University, USA Khalide Jbilou, Université du Litoral Côte d'Opale, France
Yuko Murayama, Iwate University, Japan Nobuyuki Nishiuchi, Tokyo Metropol.
Univ., Japan Isabelle Perseil, Télécom ParisTech, France Marco Pistoia, IBM
Watson Research Center, USA Khalid Saeed, AGH Krakow, Poland (co-chair)
Kwee-Bo Sim, Chung-Ang University, Korea Vaclav Snasel, Univ. Ostrava, Czech
Republic Bernard Steffen, Techn. Univ Dortmund, Germany Giancarlo Succi,
Free University of Bozen, Italy Ryszard  Tadeusiewicz, AGH Krakow, Poland
Heinrich Voss, Techn. Univ. Hamburg, Germany Slawomir Wierzchon, Acad. of
Sciences, Warsaw, Poland (co-chair)