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Subject: WWW/Internet 2002 Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 14:02:28 -0400 From: "Ana Trindade" trindade@iadis.org To: info3@iadis.org
-------- Announcement and Call for Papers ------------
IADIS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE WWW/INTERNET 2002 November 13-15, 2002 - LISBON, PORTUGAL (http://www.iadis.org/icwi2002)
* Conference Background and Goals The IADIS WWW/Internet 2002 conference aims to address the main issues of concern within WWW/Internet. WWW and Internet had a huge development in recent years. Aspects of concern are no longer just technical anymore but other aspects have aroused. This conference aims to cover both technological as well as non-technological issues related to these developments. Main tracks have been identified (see below). However innovative contributes that dont fit into these areas will also be considered since they might be of benefit to conference attendees.
* Topics related to WWW/Internet are of interest. These include, but are not limited to the following areas: - Accessibility - Adaptive Web Systems - Collaboration - Cyber Law - Data Mining - Database Planning and Development - Digital Libraries and E-Publishing - Digital Textuality - E-Business and E-Commerce - E-Learning - Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - Evaluation and Assessment - Geographical Information Systems - Global Tendencies in WWW/Internet - Groupware - Human Computer Interaction - Information Architectures - Information Visualization - Intelligent Agents - Interfaces - Languages - Metadata - Multimedia - Portal Strategies - Protocols and Standards - Quality in WWW/Internet Systems - Searching and Browsing - Security Issues - Storage Issues - System Integration - Technology Strategies - Tele-Work - WWW/Internet Case Studies - Web Personalization - Wireless Applications - Ubiquitous Computing - Virtual Communities - Virtual Reality - XML
* Format of the Confernce The conference will comprise of invited talks and oral presentations. The proceedings of the workshop will be published in the form of a book. The best paper authors will be invited to publish extended versions of their papers in the IADIS Journal of WWW/Internet.
* Submission of Papers Prospective authors are invited to submit papers for oral presentation or posters in any of the areas listed above.
* Important Dates Submission Deadline - 15 May 2002 Notification to Authors - 5 July 2002 Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration - Until 31 July 2002 Late Registration - After 31 July 2002
* Conference Location The conference will be held in Lisbon, Portugal at the IST Congress Center.
* Secretariat IADIS Secretariat - IADIS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE WWW/INTERNET 2002 Rua Tomas Ribeiro, 45 1-Dto 1050-225 Lisbon, Portugal E-mail: secretariat@iadis.org Web site: http://www.iadis.org/icwi2002
* Scientific Committee
Conference & Program Chair: Pedro Isaías, Universidade Aberta (Portuguese Open University), Portugal
Committee Members*: Antonio Camara, FCT - New University of Lisbon, Portugal Brian Mackie, Northern Illinois University, USA Carmen Pancerella, Sandia National Laboratories, USA Christof Fetzer, AT&T Research Labs, USA Dahlia Malkhi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Elmootazbellah Elnozahy, IBM Austin Research Lab, USA Emilia Mendes, University of Auckland, New Zealand Enrico Motta, The Open University, United Kingdom Gene Golovchinsky, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, USA Guido Wirtz, University of Münster, Germany Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, University of Oulu, Finland Jacqueline Bourdeau, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada James Thong, H.K. University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Jochen Schiller, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Jonathan Grudin, Microsoft, USA Juan Cueva Lovelle, Oviedi University, Spain Kai Jakobs, Technical University of Aachen, Germany Katy Borner, Indiana University, USA K. van der Meer, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Kinshuk, Massey University, New Zealand Lech Janczewski, University of Auckland, New Zealand Lyn Henderson, James Cook University, Australia Luis Olsina, UNLPam, Argentina Marco Painho, ISEGI - New University of Lisbon, Portugal Maytham Safar, Kuwait University, Kuwait Max Muehlhaeuser, Tech University of Darmstadt, Germany Michel Crampes, Ecole des Mines d'Ales, France Nandish Patel, Brunel University, United Kingdom Nitya Karmakar, University of Western Sydney, Australia Nuno Guimaraes, University of Lisbon, Portugal Oscar Pastor, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA Peter Gregor, University of Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom Piet Ribbers, Tilburg University, Netherlands Pirkko Walden, Abo Akademi, Finland Subbarayan Venkatesan, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA Susana Pajares Tosca, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Tiffany A. Koszalka, Syracuse University, USA
* list not yet complete
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